jackt 發表於 2013-8-15 11:02

Logitech Media Server 設定小貼士

本帖最後由 jackt 於 2013-8-15 12:29 編輯


1) 如想安裝最新版本,可到 http://downloads.slimdevices.com/nightly/index.php?ver=7.8 下載。 按#2 取消 "1) 安裝LMS 7.8版;雖然是beta版,但它提供較佳高清檔支援。"

2) 如果使用較慢的 server (如 NAS),請手動掃描新歌,或預定在非播歌時間進行掃描。

3) 如想使用 iTunes 歌庫,可選 settings -> iTunes -> iTunes -> Use iTunes 設定。

4) 如想加封面,可於專輯內加 "Folder.jpg" 檔案作封面,但檔案不要太大 (最好 150KB 之內)。

5) 設定使用 PCM 輸出;將其他 codecs 設為 disabled,將 settings -> Advanced -> File Types -> 如 AAC, AIFF, FLAC, WAV ... -> Disabled (所有 codecs 除 PCM 以外設為 disabled)。這有助低效 network player (如 piCorePlayer) 減低轉碼時的負擔,可提升音質。

6) 新增歌庫路徑;選 settings -> Basic Settings -> Media Folders -> Folder -> Browse -> [指定路徑],然後只選 Music。

7) 手動掃描新歌;選 settings -> Basic Settings -> Media Folders -> Folder -> Rescan。

8) 如歌庫有問題時,可選 settings -> Basic Settings -> Rescan Media Library -> Clean library and rescan everything。

謝謝!如有問題,請多多指教! {:6_142:}

boelvin 發表於 2013-8-15 11:45

師兄, 多謝你的貼士. 等我又升級試下先.

請問LMS 7.8 beta響邊方面播高清好啲? 我搵左個change log, 好似冇講過.

Version 7.8.0

New Features:
Re-implement Podcast plugin to support all players. Allow resuming a podcast you partially listened to before.
Modify Internet Radio integration to work independently from mysb.com if needed.
A new generic image resizing proxy is now built in to LMS. It can be used instead of the image proxy hosted on mysqueezebox.com, or independently by plugins to eg. resize artwork local to your network (and therefore not reachable by the remote proxy).
The default behaviour on power-on is changed to resume what was playing before power-off. This change will only apply to new players attached to the server; the behaviour for existing players can be changed with Settings / Player / Audio.
Support for Ogg FLAC in the server and Squeezeplay-based players
Added support for setting alarm playlist shuffle mode (thanks hickinbottoms!)
Volume adjustment for Internet Radio (feature request #2431)
Allow clients to register artwork resizing specifications to be pre-cached during the media scan.
Add Triode LocalFile 'loc' ProtocolHandler support for squeezelite.

Bug Fixes:
#8180 - Squeezecenter prevents user logout after restart
#17174 - Title info doesn't update correctly when multiple SBs are playing same station
#17634 - Random art represents an album as cover art, if there is track art available
#17729 - On Linux SBS 7.4.1 and above: service cannot be stopped or restarted after an 'internal' restart
#17758 - Pop up symbols linger too long on the screen
#17920 - TuneIn Radio Options Context Menu - Results returned are unnecessarily limited and frequently 'not available'
#17933 - Failure to parse m3u playlists with relative paths
#17937 - Now Playing information can alternate between station and current-track titles at track skip
#17950 - %w macros (stream seconds duration) returns negative value

Removed Mediafly plugin - the service has shut down in March 2012.
Recognise Fedora as being a Red Hat system.
Improve Perl 5.16 compatibility to silence some warnings.
Don't enforce PNG when showing full size artwork, but only when resizing is requested. Converting a large JPG would result in a huge PNG

jackt 發表於 2013-8-15 12:14

boelvin 發表於 2013-8-15 11:45 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄, 多謝你的貼士. 等我又升級試下先.

請問LMS 7.8 beta響邊方面播高清好啲? 我搵左個change log, 好似 ...

多謝 boelvin兄指出問題 {:6_162:}

7.8版應該係指 SqueezePlay,可支援高清檔。SqueezePlay 係正式 Logitech Squeezebox 個人電腦兼容程式。

希望各位師兄可以提供一些小貼士給大家,齊來討論。 {:6_193:}

kc2wong 發表於 2013-8-15 14:04

我試過用itunes library,所有非英文個都load唔到入music library,LMS好似只認到8.3 format filename

理論上要streaming的話,用flac係好過用wav,轉format係個LMS做,唔係player負責。壓縮咗的話,network嘅bandwidth要求低咗,對於少RAM嘅device,亦都有幫忙。但可能squeezelite嘅flac codec寫得唔好,所以先覺得wav好聲過flac

jackt 發表於 2013-8-15 15:29

kc2wong 發表於 2013-8-15 14:04 static/image/common/back.gif
我試過用itunes library,所有非英文個都load唔到入music library,LMS好似只認到8.3 format filename

理 ...

>> 我試過用itunes library,所有非英文個都load唔到入music library,LMS好似只認到8.3 format filename

請問師兄用的是 Windows 定 Mac OS 呢?我用 Mac OS 沒有此問題,LMS應該可以認到 Unicode 的 File System。

>> 理論上要streaming的話,用flac係好過用wav,轉format係個LMS做,唔係player負責。壓縮咗的話,network嘅bandwidth要求低咗,對於少RAM嘅device,亦都有幫忙。但可能squeezelite嘅flac codec寫得唔好,所以先覺得wav好聲過flac

是的,如果正常以網速 100Mb 和 700MHz (以 Raspberry Pi 為例) 作比較,應該以 700MHz 速度較高。正常亦應該由LMS負責轉檔案格式,FLAC 格式大小可以係 WAV 的 50~60%,正常使用可以減少網絡負擔。

44.1/16 WAV 使用網速約為 1.4Mbps
44.1/16 FLAC 使用網速約為 700kbps
SquezzeLite Network Buffer 有 2MB 約為 16Mbps,Buffer 滿了可儲存約 11秒 WAV 或 22秒 FLAC 歌曲

而 ALSA buffer time 約為 25ms,但很多時間,為了減少延遲 (Lantency),會減低 buffer size (25ms 係比較好的設定),當延遲降低會增強音樂的透明度,所以便需要較快的內部處理。而播放器內部處理大部份時間為 Interrupt (USB需要很多 Interrupt,Network 也是),如再增加解壓 FLAC 的工作,播放器大約需要多10% CPU time 來處理,這樣便會做成 ALSA 內部延遲,這是不利於作為播放器的工作。當然,如果你的播放器速度很快,這問題便不會出現。

本人測試過幾款不同 Notebook,最慢的 Atom 也能做到沒有明顯分別 (Flac 或 PCM 格式)。但一些沒有快速CPU的硬件,便有可能出現這情況 (PCM格式會比較好)。這個不是RAM多少的問題,而是解壓工作對CPU負擔的問題。

謝謝師兄提出意見。 {:6_162:}

rklpoon 發表於 2013-8-15 15:43

Thx for sharing.{:6_162:}

I have just added a nas recently, using logitech sbt usb out to a ddc then coaxial to asus essence one dac.{:6_122:}

kc2wong 發表於 2013-8-15 15:46

jackt 發表於 2013-8-15 15:29 static/image/common/back.gif
>> 我試過用itunes library,所有非英文個都load唔到入music library,LMS好似只認到8.3 format filename ...

You are very professional

jackt 發表於 2013-8-15 17:29

rklpoon 發表於 2013-8-15 15:43 static/image/common/back.gif
Thx for sharing.

I have just added a nas recently, using logitech sbt usb out to a ddc t ...

有冇裝 Plug-in 出高清檔呀? {:6_237:}

jackt 發表於 2013-8-15 17:35

kc2wong 發表於 2013-8-15 15:46 static/image/common/back.gif
You are very professional

唔算係,只不過最有睇過其他師兄啲文章,同埋自己有開始玩 LMS 同 SqueezeLite,因為花了很多時間,所以有少少心得啫。 {:6_160:}

rklpoon 發表於 2013-8-15 17:39

jackt 發表於 2013-8-15 17:29 static/image/common/back.gif
有冇裝 Plug-in 出高清檔呀?

No, as my primary purpose is to use the nas to store wav files only for the time being.
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