chris1a23 發表於 2013-8-14 23:10

(轉貼) Cambridge Audio 651/751BD firmware降級方法

http://www.h i e n d

1. Disconnect ethernet, and any USB devices and power up the player with no disc in the tray.
2. When it displays "no disc" wait for approx 4-5 seconds, and press GREEN-2-2 on the remote.
3. Press "setup" on remote.
4. Scroll down to "Device setup"
5. Place the bar on "Firmware Upgrade"
6. Press RED-8-5-2-0 on the remote.
7. Exit menu again by pressing setup button, NOT the ok button.
8. Now you can downgrade the firmware with the use of a usb stick, just follow the usual instructions from Oppo.

1 Disconnect ethernet, and any USB devices, and power up the player with no disc in the tray.
2 Press "setup" on remote
3 Scroll down to "Device setup"
4 Place the bar on "Firmware Upgrade"
5 Press RED-8-5-2-0 on the remote.
6 In this menu, press 1-1-4 on the remote.
7 Exit menu again by pressing setup button, NOT the ok button.
8 Now you can downgrade the firmware with the use of a usb stick, just follow the usual instructions from Oppo.

Obviously you'll also need the FW you want to reinstal...

NB: FW upgrades are not to be taken lightly, they sometimes brick your player. Do this at your own risk...or don't do it.
Filmware Dowload Link:
PS:你要check吓你部機的firmware是否有cu字尾,有cu尾的是A區機,冇cu尾的是B區機,一定要配合相應的firmware才可以認到的,大部份人都用第一個方法(STANDARD/BASIC MOD)成功了{:6_193:}
成功左就可以直接play iso,但係會冇左繁體顯示同外掛字幕功能{:6_190:}

btw,如果試哂兩個方法都不成功的話(我{:6_201:} ),請參考以下我成功downgrade的方法{:6_194:}
1.Main menu 一定要轉返英文
2.usb最好用fat32 format,同埋唔好放其他野係隻usb度(得UPG一個folder,唔好將個Filmware file放出根目錄)
3.後期冇cu尾的751BD代理加在塊版轉A區,記得將部751BD轉番B區(待機模式長按remote上的2至auto on就ok),可以在Firmware Upgrade上用Remote 按RED-8-5-2-0 check 有冇轉番B區
4.果點試都load唔到隻usb downgrade filmware,試下另一隻,如ok的filmware upgrade個page會自己show出(我自己試左3隻先成功)

希望幫到各位師兄齊齊downgrade玩Blu-ray ISO{:6_195:}

lamborghini436 發表於 2013-8-15 08:12


chris1a23 發表於 2013-8-15 13:09

lamborghini436 發表於 2013-8-15 08:12 static/image/common/back.gif

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

louis001 發表於 2013-8-15 16:53

好好既分享 {:6_193:}

billy829 發表於 2013-8-16 03:05


ming2002 發表於 2013-8-19 23:58

唔想Sign in 個 俄文網站, 請問有冇第二度可以download 個 firmware?

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查看完整版本: (轉貼) Cambridge Audio 651/751BD firmware降級方法

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