監獄兔 發表於 2013-8-9 22:21


好似中港比較重視,外國好多殿堂級歌手都係出平版cd 而已。日本巨星都唔覺有靚聲版?

agic 發表於 2013-8-9 22:30

mobile fidelity

Will 發表於 2013-8-9 22:32

外國歌手普通CD已經好靚聲, 因為本身錄音室已經好頂級, mixing用靚器材做, 再出乜QCD都唔會太大分別
日本歌手如果係走古典, JAZZ路線, 好興首版已經出SHMCD, SACD, 近年都只係得sony返炒舊作出blu-spec

h0200231 發表於 2013-8-9 22:42


slackerhui 發表於 2013-8-9 23:01


Soundboy 發表於 2013-8-10 03:22

本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2013-8-9 11:34 編輯

I can only speak for what the market is like in the US.

There are audiophile music companies, like Mobile Fidelity, Analogue Productions, Audio Fidelity, etc.But compared to HK, there are relatively fewer audiophile releases.In HK, almost all music companies own the original music recordings, so they can do whatever they want with them.In the US, many singers/bands own the rights to the original music recording and they don't know that there's an audiophile music market.Another reason is that the singer/band don't want to go throught so much trouble (contracts, remastering, etc.) when they can make a lot more money doing concerts.Companies like Sony and Universal don't care because how many people, even in a country with a population of 300 million people, will buy a $30 CD (or SACD, vinyl record) when most people can get their music from iTunes (and be satisfied).To a company like Sony, selling 5,000 copies of a CD is nothing when it can probably sell 1 million songs on iTunes in one day.That's why the big music companies license their music to smaller companies like Mobile Fidelity for audiophile releases.Mobile Fidelity takes all the financial risk....the cost to remaster, to market, to press the CD/SACD/vinyl record, to package, to warehouse, etc.

In the US, I can buy a 2 CD set (new) like "The Best of Dire Straits & Mark Knopfler" for US$8.00....


Will the sound quality of the new Mobile Fidelity SACD of "Brothers In Arms" be 4X better?Of course not.

Will that stop me from buying my 8th version of "Brothers In Arms"?Of course not. {:1_343:}

giseegoobi 發表於 2013-8-10 08:44


psb 發表於 2013-8-10 12:41

Will 發表於 2013-8-9 22:32 static/image/common/back.gif
外國歌手普通CD已經好靚聲, 因為本身錄音室已經好頂級, mixing用靚器材做, 再出乜QCD都唔會太大分別
日本歌 ...

{:6_193:} Agree!!
頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 點解外國好似唔流行發燒碟?

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