各位ching屋企裝修。如果用不到hi fi架,但要到傢俬鋪造地櫃放hifi時,請問有冇要注意? 用厚身+高密度木, 最好用實木. kelvinhin 發表於 2013-8-7 22:16 static/image/common/back.gif
用厚身+高密度木, 最好用實木.
i guess right but in wrong sequence, 1st 實木, 2nd 高密度, 3rd 厚身 通風同有走線位。 kelvinhin 發表於 2013-8-7 22:16 static/image/common/back.gif
用厚身+高密度木, 最好用實木.
Any specific numbers or spec for the material, density and height of the wood can be referenced so that I can tell my cfu?
Thank you very much