dpcs 發表於 2013-8-6 23:53

M Cap 電容

請問電容是否只睇 uF 和 voltage, 大過它的數值得用得? {:6_141:}
我見M Cap 電容 有好多唔同種類, 是否種種類型都用得(大得過原廠的uF和V就得)?{:6_162:}
例如有 M TubeCap, M-Lytic HV .....

billymud 發表於 2013-8-7 05:06

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2013-8-7 05:34 編輯

there're complicated answers to one little capacitor.
there're many factors to be considered for a specific capacitor in each application.
there're differences in performance for the same kind of capacitor manufactured/provided by various suppliers.
to read, to try, to compare and to think.... probably the most practical way for u to learn more about it's usage. {:1_262:}

to echo ur simple questions:
-- "電容是否只睇 uF 和 voltage" <<No !
-- "大過它的數值.... 用得唔用得?" << depends !
-- "電容有好多唔同種類, 是否種種類型都用得?"<< certainly "種種都用得" !if not, why so many suppliers/brands in the market ? {:1_339:}

jastudio 發表於 2013-8-7 13:38

uf 最好吾好相差得太遠。各牌子甚至同一牌子但吾同系列都吾同聲!
(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

dpcs 發表於 2013-8-7 19:45

但MCap有3端腳, 甚至4端腳(In+, In-, Out+, Out-),
究竟點樣接駁 MCap (3端腳 或 4端腳 ) --->電容位2端腳 ( + & -){:6_141:}

dpcs 發表於 2013-8-8 00:05

想問多一條問題的voltage(V)係指 DC 或係 AC?{:6_141:}{:6_137:}

billymud 發表於 2013-8-8 01:08

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2013-8-8 01:28 編輯

dpcs 發表於 2013-8-8 00:05 static/image/common/back.gif
想問多一條問題的voltage(V)係指 DC 或係 AC?

either DC or AC, as printed.


dpcs 發表於 2013-8-8 01:26

billymud 發表於 2013-8-8 01:08 static/image/common/back.gif
either DC or AC, as printed.


但我的9700所有根機的電容有寫VDC or VAC, 只寫V.
i.e. 1500uF 16V<-- 冇寫係VDC 或 VAC

billymud 發表於 2013-8-8 01:29

本帖最後由 billymud 於 2013-8-8 01:34 編輯

dpcs 發表於 2013-8-8 01:26 static/image/common/back.gif
但我的9700所有根機的電容有寫VDC or VAC, 只寫V.
i.e. 1500uF 16V   ...

diagram shown.
for "V" marked only, it represents" DC voltage " !
e.g. 1500uf 16V_d.c., E-cap, -20% +80% (typical) can be used.

dpcs 發表於 2013-8-8 01:34

billymud 發表於 2013-8-8 01:29 static/image/common/back.gif
diagram shown.
for "V" marked only, it represent" DC voltage " !
e.g. 1500uf 16V_d.c., E-cap ...

如以下的電容, 只寫V

dpcs 發表於 2013-8-8 01:35

billymud 發表於 2013-8-8 01:29 static/image/common/back.gif
diagram shown.
for "V" marked only, it represents" DC voltage " !
e.g. 1500uf 16V_d.c., E-ca ...

thank you.{:6_162:}
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