Buttkickers 震椅
本帖最後由 warmmjs 於 2013-8-6 02:42 編輯Buttkickers 外國牌子,China 製造。在Youtube 看到就好勁。好多歐州影院都要他們造vibrate Chair.淘寶及Amazon 全不寄香港,現從台灣入貨,今天取回酒店,7號試機。再report If but that,why don't buy d-box?? Joes 發表於 2013-8-4 00:34 static/image/common/back.gif
If but that,why don't buy d-box??
D-box總投資貴20倍都唔止, buttkickers最合一般家庭又易安裝.又冇年費running cost. How much ah Ching?{:6_212:} 有無師兄試過呢個?
http://item.taobao.com/item.htm?id=15501761793&ali_trackid=2:mm_29881864_3492893_11436408:1375581928_3k1_431290355&spm=a230z.1.5634029.20.ElVw7U this is buttkickers another model . But the link was ony the speaker no amplifer. Buttkickers 300A was wireless, it was mention as powerful 4D theatre. i will try this on tuesday.
Already from Taiwan la. Will try tomorrow and have the report for AVBUZZ Chings 師兄,可否SHOW D INFORMATION來參考下?
入一入來都中中地~ 期待!{:6_237:} Find in internet.
Buttkicker LFE 震子