jellybeanhk 發表於 2013-8-2 12:01


人生路不熟 真係驚去錯黑店
** 如果驚比人話賣廣告 可以PM

rklpoon 發表於 2013-8-2 12:23

PhantomGTR 發表於 2013-8-1 17:24 static/image/common/back.gif
I See.

Saw your 25i, another pic showed handcrafted in HK, but the link points to overseas. Cannot hear it in HK? Thx.{:6_141:} {:6_162:}

PhantomGTR 發表於 2013-8-2 12:29

本帖最後由 PhantomGTR 於 2013-8-2 12:30 編輯

rklpoon 發表於 2013-8-2 12:23 static/image/common/back.gif
Saw your 25i, another pic showed handcrafted in HK, but the link points to overseas. Cannot hear i ...

In my understanding, there is no display unit for audition in HK.......
The build is very solid and it's heavy even it's very small.And the power is different from ordinary 25W output.The sound is very neutral & transparent.Such an amazing toy!

rklpoon 發表於 2013-8-2 14:04

PhantomGTR 發表於 2013-8-2 12:29 static/image/common/back.gif
In my understanding, there is no display unit for audition in HK.......
The build is very solid an ...

Oic, thx.It would be great if can listen to it at HK......{:6_162:} {:6_174:}
頁: 1 2 [3]
查看完整版本: 請教新手1 DAC+書架嗽叭 [ bookshelf speakers ]

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