發表於 2013-8-1 09:38
goluchan. 發表於 2013-8-1 00:48 static/image/common/back.gif
點點天地心 搶先聽
http://ent.msn.com.tw/kkbox/album_content.aspx?id=sKFc3kdEhBWOJ00F6USj0091 ...
thanks for your information, 我還是暫不聽這個錄音版本, 等佢在18號晚BIRTHDAY PARTY 唱LIVE更有新鮮感
發表於 2013-8-1 09:40
cclam0402 發表於 2013-7-31 14:43 static/image/common/back.gif
但我相信佢識作詞, 因為佢唱live 經常有新詞出.....haaahaa
佢有幾百首歌, 記唔得咁多!
發表於 2013-8-1 10:11
請不要介意, 我絕對不是要負面 , just for dicussion purposes.It doesn't matter if some singers claimed they have written one song or one hundred songs in the past, some things are just too difficult to be convincing.
發表於 2013-8-1 10:44
ant9284 發表於 2013-8-1 10:11 static/image/common/back.gif
請不要介意, 我絕對不是要負面 , just for dicussion purposes.It doesn't matter if some singers clai ...
不要介意, 請問可否改標題名, 如果唔想改由佢, 謝! (譚詠麟2013新歌 : 點點天地心)