<神探MAD DETECTIVE>全區英字膠盒(實物圖)
近年杜SIR+韋家輝組合最精彩作品,不過諗起隻港版久唔久就彈個美亞LOGO就慶!跟住响英遜見到有英版,價錢平,雖然冇紙套但入面有本書仔,點睇都應該好過港版啩! 我見到人心入面嗰隻鬼{:6_193:} Collection 發表於 2013-7-28 00:51 static/image/common/back.gif我見到人心入面嗰隻鬼
其實<盲探>都有類似情節! 是否lock B?
{:6_193:} 早知搵你訂埋啦...
盲探擺明係近似橋段..... 到底邊個版合符導演/攝影師原意?
Mei-Ah Region FREE Blu-ray
Eureka - Masters of Cinema # 2 FREE Blu-ray
Source : http://www.dvdbeaver.com/film2/DVDReviews39/mad_detective_blu-ray.htm 本帖最後由 r32 於 2013-7-28 09:54 編輯
What seems obvious is that Mei Ah have boosted both brightness and colors. To be fair to them - they haven't done a poor job of disguising the manipulations but the 'look' of the film seems drastically affected next to the Master of Cinema edition. A bit of this to bring up detail is usually not detectable and can slightly improve the appearance, but when you go at it ham-fisted things can tend to get out-of-whack very quickly. The heavy(intentional) grain is an important aspect of the film and you don't want to mess with that. The MoC doesn't have any HD-DVNR or grain removal applied and they obviously didn't color or contrast boost. The HD master that they used was graded and approved by the director. Despite the Mei Ah appearing more like a modern Hollywood transfer, IMHO, it is really not as similar to the theatrical intent as the darker, damper, slightly greenish/blue Masters of Cinema encode.
"The MoC transfer is likely how Johnnie To wanted the film to look, but the Mei Ah transfer likely represents what the film looks like before it was fine-tuned rather than any last minute tampering."
美亞貼近現實, 英版貼近杜導要求, 最好買齊. laiho 發表於 2013-7-28 09:11 static/image/common/back.gif
是否lock B?
全區! r32 發表於 2013-7-28 09:49 static/image/common/back.gif
What seems obvious is that Mei Ah have boosted both brightness and colors. To be fair to them - they ...
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