u may highlight all songs in the same time. add the cover art that from left corner and save. its...
Mpd 唔係唔support embedded cover art 咩?
RE: Cubox + Mubox + MPD 小分享
wongcwwilson 發表於 2013-7-28 01:12 static/image/common/back.giftks.But i intend to use the webserver rather than embedded the cover art by mp3tag.May anyone kn ...
embedded = get the cover art from internet by MPD? (sorry, 我剛玩唔太熟 {:8_374:} )
- Try to open the cover art setting and click the download cover art.
(maybe you can clear the art cache and reload all the cover art )
My setting as below, hopes it can help...
pinkspider 發表於 2013-7-28 09:28 static/image/common/back.gif
embedded = get the cover art from internet by MPD? (sorry, 我剛玩唔太熟)
- Try to open ...
embeded 即係cover art 放埋入 tag 入面
我發覺用download cover art 呢個方法好多cover art 都搵唔到,特別係中文碟 eddiehuihk 發表於 2013-7-28 10:23 static/image/common/back.gif
embeded 即係cover art 放埋入 tag 入面
我發覺用download cover art 呢個方法好多cover art 都搵唔到, ...
另外, 如果係WAV, 因為無COVER ART, 可以經WEB SERVER (VOYAGE 內置) 去讀MUSIC FOLDER內的 "Folder.jpg" kenneth_obee 發表於 2013-7-28 10:29 static/image/common/back.gif
另外, 如果係WAV, 因為無COVER ART, 可 ...
但係我d flac embedded 左cover art
mpd 都係讀唔到 eddiehuihk 發表於 2013-7-28 10:45 static/image/common/back.gif
但係我d flac embedded 左cover art
mpd 都係讀唔到
咁奇怪? 我唔會喎. kenneth_obee 發表於 2013-7-28 10:47 static/image/common/back.gif
咁奇怪? 我唔會喎.
我試過mubox 一話日本人果個mpd 都係咁
kenneth_obee 發表於 2013-7-28 10:47 static/image/common/back.gif
咁奇怪? 我唔會喎.
其實之前上網搵過d 人話mpd 唔support embedded cover art, 所以我一直都認為唔得 Tks for all ching's reply.
Yes, as what Kenneth_obee said, I want the MPD read the Folder.jpg (the cover art) rather than the embedded cover art of each song under their ID tag.
I google somewhere and find the following which was written by Punky Tse in 2011/11.I follow but still unable to make it.
Here is what I did and make it work:
ln -s /var/lib/mpd/music /var/www/Music
where "/var/lib/mpd/music" stores all my music files.In MPod,
1. set the URL for cover art to "http://<voyage ip>/Music" in MPod.
2. rename the cover art as Folder.jpg in the corresponding album directory.
3. You need to restart MPod to make the change effective, somehow.
So, would pinkspider pls share the setup of "Path to Music" and "Cover filename"?
Tks again for all of your help.