小弟在選擇超底音非常傷腦筋,聆聽空間80呎正方形,該選十吋還是十二吋的好?有牌子型號推介嗎?預算一萬或以下。謝各師兄意見。{:1_335:}my room is about 10' (from back of tv to back of sofa) x 20' (about 10' width of living room and 10' for dining room) and 10' floor to ceiling.I am only using Velodyne SPL800Ultra (8") as recommended by the salesman.he could up sell me with a 10" or even 12" as i know he has plenty of stock.as i am not a professional and i don't rely on "bigger is better", so i would say 8" as i am very happy with my current setup.
probably the Velodyne CHT-12 shall be the one as it is 12" and should be under $10,000 even with cable.