ADA 發表於 2013-7-2 17:25

本帖最後由 ADA 於 2013-7-2 17:30 編輯

kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 17:17 static/image/common/back.gif
成堆Mullard 都唔多覺啊~

即係無閃一下光? {:1_329:}

恭喜師兄可能中招了. {:1_249:}

Mullard flash:

kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 17:34

本帖最後由 kmr 於 2013-7-2 17:49 編輯

ADA 發表於 2013-7-2 17:25 static/image/common/back.gif


是不是所有mullard 都會閃?

vol 去到最細都會??

今晚返去再睇睇 {:8_381:}

KING 發表於 2013-7-2 17:49

kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 17:34 static/image/common/back.gif
是不是所有mullard 都會閃?


理論上係呀,我 d Mullard 12AX7 & 12AU7 開機個吓真係好似打火機咁呀!

KING 發表於 2013-7-2 17:50

kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 17:19 static/image/common/back.gif
個支野就算啦, 當交一次學費


你係R33買定係 WW買呢?

kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 17:50

KING 發表於 2013-7-2 17:49 static/image/common/back.gif
理論上係呀,我 d Mullard 12AX7 & 12AU7 開機個吓真係好似打火機咁呀!

部機有個warm-up 程序, 會自動 down vol. 同等成 30秒先會有類似打通繼電器既"答"一聲


ADA 發表於 2013-7-2 17:52

kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 17:34 static/image/common/back.gif
是不是所有mullard 都會閃?


那一下閃光其實係歐洲膽獨有秘方, 老膽為了長命而注入的惰性氣體,
如果不閃就有可能係支膽命不久矣...或者係新膽, 又或者係其他國家的膽.

KING 發表於 2013-7-2 17:52

kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 17:50 static/image/common/back.gif
部機有個warm-up 程序, 會自動 down vol. 同等成 30秒先會有類似打通繼電器既"答"一聲

唔知關唔關事...? ...


kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 18:11

KING 發表於 2013-7-2 17:52 static/image/common/back.gif

12-10-2011, 12:32 PM
For sure, they are made by Mullard and re-branded as General Electric, a very common thing to do. As for flashing on start up, usually the very early Mullard ECC83 tubes did that. Most likely, these tubes are later production and have a controlled warm-up design. Not all Mullard tubes flame up when power is applied...

{:6_229:} 外國人的經驗

kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 18:23

本帖最後由 kmr 於 2013-7-2 18:24 編輯

11-24-2010, 09:29 PM
As he said, it's completely normal. The heater resistance is low when cold, and they draw extra current at startup. This makes them flash brightly for a moment until they heat up. Some styles of tube have a heater with a "controlled warmup", and they don't flash. Either type is fine, just don't mix the two if you've got series stringed heaters.

Also, don't go switching the amp on and off and on again quickly just to see if it flashes. That's really hard on the tubes, especially the rectifier. Always allow the amp to cool completely after you turn it off. Then it is safe to turn it back on again.

Do MC30's have series string heaters? I always thought signal tubes were a drop and go type rolling where any 12ax7 will work...I am apparently learning not so.

James R

西人解釋, ADA 師兄點睇??

KING 發表於 2013-7-2 19:02

kmr 發表於 2013-7-2 18:11 static/image/common/back.gif


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查看完整版本: Telefuken 12au7 Rib Plate

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