UK Amazon減價,第一次訂5套boxset!
成日聽師兄訂碟,今日見Friends boxset平咗少少(可惜未係最平{:1_332:} ),忍唔住訂啦!買埋其它未有的,Total GBP $165.59,原來VAT佔咁多(成20%??),
{:6_193:} 咁即係買咗咩啫? Lethal Weapon, Fast & Furious, Bourne, Harry Potter 4套今日已出貨,好快喎。 So the actual prices will be deducting 20% from those they indicated on their site, right ??? ac388 發表於 2013-6-27 11:45
So the actual prices will be deducting 20% from those they indicated on their site, right ???
Yes, creditcard 過數前會計清楚,平過listed price 20% Thanks. 今日到齊去郵局拎,唔駛兩星期,算快了!{:8_403:}
請問friends 是否全區, 有無中字{:6_195:} 全區中字,不過要接受台灣翻譯:)