Cambridge Audio 650C CD Player
請教各位ching對650C有什麼評價? I got one last week and it is much better than my previous Denon DCD-700AE in sound details and clarity with clear soundstage. I use it with NAD C326BEE int. AMP and the sound is warm.I had used CA C640C before and 650C is also much better. 640C is having clean sound but a bit thin IMO.
You can also check the review from What HiFi for details as it awarded 650C with 5 stars.{:1_263:} 650c 駛唔駛5k I got mine at HKD4,500. 550C 聽講都唔錯喎 近兩年高清展 威達 都有展出 Cambridge Audio 嘅 CD Player CA既 CD PLAYER 真係唔錯嫁 近兩年高清展 威達 都有展出 Cambridge Audio 嘅 CD Player
mankoo 發表於 2009-7-21 00:59
咁今年要去睇睇喇{:1_253:} ching, 係咁650a都係差唔多價? 可否pm我, 係邊度買嗎?