Mirage omd5 停產。。。咁有什麼可以代替佢?
聽講 Mirage ,Klipsch 同jamo 都好似係同一個公司之下,omd5停產咁佢公司重有什麼可以有omd5的價錢同音色的後置補足這個空白呢? Mirage 係 Energy 副牌,由 Energy 生產,你所講既牌子只係近年收購咗 Energy... 其實都重有d外國網站重可以買倒~當然價錢比起以前貴少少{:6_147:} 個背景原來係咁,對不起我係英文網找到。Mirage is a Canadian speaker company that began in 1977. It was among several companies that included Energy, Paradigm, and PSB, who used the facilities at the Canadian National Research Lab to develop and refine their speaker designs. In 1996 Mirage introduced the first of their OM speaker designs, the OM-6. Since then the company has continued to refine their Ominpolar™ technology. In 2006 the Klipsch Group acquired Audio Products International Corp, Mirage's parent company. The first change they made was to move Mirage into more mass-market retail outlets. Since then Mirage line has evolved from specialty product manufacturer to a purveyor of mid-priced offerings. What has not changed is the best part of Mirage's core technology. - See more at: http://audiophilereview.com/affordable-speakers/is-the-mirage-omd-5-speaker-the-best-150-desktop-speaker-ever-made.html#sthash.IfkvSDLl.dpuf
小弟擁有omd5水貨1對,俾錢前曾試聽低佢一級既os3好長時間,而且都聽過好多次。最終入手omd5,只能說,omd5無可替代。能擁有一對,感性地覺得自己真的既幸福又幸運。 我用緊 OS3,已經極為滿意,睇見大家對OMD5嘅讚賞,真係想買番一對,奈何荷包乾硬化.............{:6_187:} 小弟新屋入伙大老闆咁覺眼之下所以想一次過換後置,amp,同前置;omd5, onkyo 828, kef q500/700 都可能係今次買比自己的新屋入伙禮物 "review" 那邊仲有少量全新Mirage OMD-5 黑色及Rosewood hata2000 發表於 2014-4-2 01:12 static/image/common/back.gif
"review" 那邊仲有少量全新Mirage OMD-5 黑色及Rosewood
地址? gikifk 發表於 2014-4-2 07:43 static/image/common/back.gif