(最後兩位佳麗)Dali Mentor 5 vs KEF R500
http://post76.hk/forum.php?mod=viewthread&tid=160183&extra=page%3D1&page=1承之前向各位師兄請教, 今日去過尖沙咀及旺角試吓聲, 最後篩選出較合心水有:
1. KEF R500, 外型及做工不錯, 亦可配合使用中嘅中置XQ50C
2. 在試Dali喇叭時, 發覺Mentor 5音色更細緻, 音牆亦較Ikon 5更廣闊, 原隻丹麥製造, 所以決定揀選Mentor 5為另一入圍佳麗
小弟投Dali Mentor 5一票! {:8_403:} 如果係我Dali 是首选. dali mentor 5 想請教各位師兄, 我部Marantz PM-15S2 (90W X 2)是否夠力推Mentor 5? 本帖最後由 SkyGeo 於 2013-6-17 09:27 編輯
gerrard 發表於 2013-6-17 01:48 static/image/common/back.gif
想請教各位師兄, 我部Marantz PM-15S2 (90W X 2)是否夠力推Mentor 5?
I prefer Dali as well.
Which amplifier the vendor uses to drive Dali when u auditioned the speaker?
Marantz should be ok to drive DALI Mentor 5 has 88db. But how well is an open question.If the vendor used very powerful and expensive amplifier or tube amplifier, then u may not experience the same quality sound when u are back at home. Mentor 5 好似吾平要20K 嗎? Dali is better. {:6_190:} Lester 發表於 2013-6-17 12:25 static/image/common/back.gif
Mentor 5 好似吾平要20K 嗎?
around 18k. dali mentor 5