Soundboy 發表於 2013-6-11 15:43

porkballs 發表於 2013-6-10 19:13 static/image/common/back.gif
如果佢地有 right, 就有母帶, 唔會用黑膠同LD啦
因為主力是新架坡市場, 所以咪揀兩隻無出過CD既國語碟同 ...

I don't think this Singapore company has the rights to the 4 Anita Mui albums.If you are 東亞/華星, your name should still be on the CD/packaging.Just look at the reissue CDs from New Century Workshop (NCW)....the original record company's name is still on the CD/packaging and NCW just licensed the recording for reissue.This Singapore company is reissuing these 4 Anita Mui CDs because they will have sales, but not so much that 東亞/華星 will use legal action to stop the sale.I mean, how many CDs does this Singapore company think it will sell in total for the 4 CDs?5,000?10,000?Since 東亞/華星 hasn't reissue Anita Mui CDs yet, it is probably thinking this is good promotion for any future Anita Mui reissue CDs.After all, we are all talking about it now.However, if the Singapore company reissued the 壞女孩 album on CD, I am sure that 東亞/華星 will use legal actions to stop sales of the reissue CD.   

rok 發表於 2013-6-13 18:12

有right唔等如有master 而家好多舊歌都係拎返隻cd出黎rip 經常發生
頁: 1 2 [3]
查看完整版本: 對對碰 の 當 梅艷芳 "新加坡版" 遇上 "日本天龍針孔版"

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