發表於 2013-6-6 14:30
keroic 發表於 2013-6-6 14:20 static/image/common/back.gif
有冇邊d app係開唔到呀, 等我到時都裝黎試試, 或者睇睇有冇可能用其他方法安裝得到...
個apps係一百萬像素相機"pic paint"裝左開唔到,話機硬件有問題開唔到,之前所有機都得
發表於 2013-6-6 14:46
發表於 2013-6-6 15:03
發表於 2013-6-6 15:07
發表於 2013-6-6 15:11
keroic 發表於 2013-6-6 15:07 static/image/common/back.gif
依家有LTE確實是一個賣點, 因為大部份電訊商3G/4G Plan都係同一個價錢, 確實無人想用唔盡自己個plan應有 ...
發表於 2013-6-6 15:25
發表於 2013-6-13 17:50
Interested in this phone initially but bought Galaxy Note II at the end for the following reasons
1. Galaxy Note II LTE (water goods) is selling only at HK$3,980.Only marginally more expensive than Ascend Mate.Taking into account the second hand value, Galaxy Note seems to be a lot cheaper.
2.Note II is 4G whereas Ascend is only 3G.
3.Note II can change battery.
4.Whilst Ascend features a larger screen, its resolution is not full HD.
5.Screen size of 5.5" may be the limit for most people.
6. The memory is truncated to 1G only.Seriously, what is the point of having two different versions (2G Vs 1G)?
If the price level is set at HK$2,800 to HK$3,000, it will be as serious contender.Unfortuately, given the competitive market, the overall package is not that attractive at the current price level.