點解sound master no 23 後面有兩組rca output
我只係聽得出一組output大d,一組細d,如果只係咁用volume control唔得咩?有咩野作用呢? 1組Hi, 1組Lo 我部9V2都有, 買機個陣peter仔同我講先插Lo個組試下夠唔夠聲先,唔得插Hi個組,我估output gain 唔同?師兄如果想知詳細D都係打電話返去SM問啦 bb2002 發表於 2013-6-6 00:15 static/image/common/back.gif
1組Hi, 1組Lo 我部9V2都有, 買機個陣peter仔同我講先插Lo個組試下夠唔夠聲先,唔得插Hi個組,我估output ga ...
我知係HIGH GAIN and LOW GAIN 但唔知咩野環境下用high/low karsonkwan 發表於 2013-6-6 00:23 static/image/common/back.gif
我知係HIGH GAIN and LOW GAIN 但唔知咩野環境下用high/low
If there is two RCA output, one for high and one for low. This is useful for you to match different power amp which has different 阻抭.
Some preamp has two RCA output but it is for Bi amp setup
My SM 23 pro has two output, one balance out and one RCA but i can use the gain to match different power amp. Same as you but you only has one high and one low.