DNA Sonett 2
本帖最後由 hiyori 於 2013-6-4 23:56 編輯http://www.dnaudio.com/Sonett_2_sm2.jpg
曾聽過DNA Sonett,這是一部非常tube dependent的好機,配上好膽可以做到自然、大氣、細膩、動人,音色動容,stock tube的話可說是值其1000美金左右的身價。
DNA Sonett 2 賣1300~1400USD,headfi那邊有簡單聽感可以參考,對比的是同廠的Stratus,換了配合的膽(不一定要很貴,如按ebay價,文中提到的膽nos大概3~400美金左右),DNA Sonett 2 在作者眼中已優於貴上近倍的Stratus,所以對tube rolling有興趣和「膽量豐富」既朋友可以認真考慮玩玩看。
唔知googleli 兄會唔會有興趣?{:8_389:}
original post from headfi
let me qualify by saying i don't claim to have golden ears or really care all that much to work on my critical listening skills....i simply love music...i seek that elusive ideal...'the suspension of disbelief' when listening to either my 2 channel, IEMs, or full size headphones (currently T1s and LCD2.2 with LCD3 pads and hpl silver cable, both balanced)...
thus, qualities i value in a presentation are balanced tonality, resolution, clarity, detail, texture, imaging, placement and staging...
before i go into my impressions, i'd like to thank Donald North, founder of DNA, for sending both the Stratus and Sonett 2 to our very humble little meet a while back...i was fortuate enough to have the Sonett 2 for several weeks and enjoyed every minute...well, almost every minute (more on that later)...unfortunately i only had a few hours with the Stratus...in all honesty i had purposely avoided a longer demo with fears that my wallet would need CPR after an extended listen, but I succumb to curiosity, knowing the amps were poised to leave Canada in short order to other HF'ers wanting to sample these special devices....
initially, my first few days with the Sonett 2 were quite disappointing frankly...i recall thinking this amp must be fresh, the tubes must be fresh cause this thing sounds flat and lifeless....i emailed Donald and he in fact confirmed the the amp and tubes were young, 10 hrs young...virtual newborns...nonetheless i plotted along plugging in several hours a night or running it for a few hours at a time while out of the house...i distinctly recall it was a Wednesday night, it was like the amp awoke form a slumber...
several days later i received an NOS Mullard 5AR4 and then a few days after that a set of NOS Reflecktor 6H30s (1986 build)....well the NOS tubes dramatically improve all aspects of the presentation, particularly the bass control and texture, high end airiness and detail, and, naturally, sound staging...
unfortunately i only had the Stratus for a day to A/B against the NOS tubed Sonett 2, and even then it was only a couple of hours i was able to go back and forth...in all honesty, it was no contest the Sonett 2 handily out performed the stock Stratus...this was most apparent to my surprise with the LCD2, the vice like control over the lower registers....the Stratus was muddy and ill defined...granted the Stratus had a bit more space but the Sonett was more immediate and engaging...
i was kinda sad to pack up the amps and send them off to their destinations...but knowing i have a Sonett 2 on order was satisfaction enough...
i’ll be sure to provide more impressions when my Sonett arrives in July... 先不說聲音
Sonett 2終於肯一次過俾哂6.3 & 平衡OUT (雖然是4 PIN),不用2擇
不過好像只有RCA IN