best: Hobbit, Life of Pi, Prometheus,Tron Legacy, Legends Of The Guardians The Owls Of Gahoole, kung fu panda 2
聽人講話好正既有.. Hugo, Titanic, Tangled, cirque du soleil: world's end
有d imax 紀錄片3d 效果都好好, 不過幾悶 我寧願睇戲 復仇者我都覺得係必買啦! 阿煩達隻3D應該係加長版黎架啦? lamfatlun 發表於 2013-6-6 00:33 static/image/common/back.gif
No, 3D version was the original version if I am still remember. The Director's Cut version was the 2D only. marlborolight 發表於 2013-6-6 01:23
No, 3D version was the original version if I am still remember. The Director's Cut version was the ...
有2D non-director 又唔係好想買隻唔係加長版既3D... 復仇者黎講,我覺得佢3D效果幾乎等於冇!{:6_202:} 如果純講3D效果
1) 普羅米修斯
2) 3D貞子
3) 愛麗絲夢遊仙境
4) 龍門飛甲
5) 雨果