CountDeMoney 發表於 2013-6-3 10:14

Linn Majik DSM


iphone usb cable>Marantz SR6004 amp>KEF R900 speaker

主要聽歌.現考慮小升級至 Linn Majik DSM (代理話包network streamer 及 integrated 2-ch amp), 價錢HK$35,000.

問題1: 用以上budget, 有沒有其他牌子類似產品選擇?

問題2: 比較現時setup, 換Linn Majik DSM 可否改善音質?(定係差不多攞嚟搞?)


matt 發表於 2013-6-3 13:04

did you try and test in showroom?
everybody has difference taste and standard. trust your ear!
before that, try more different combination!

fungl 發表於 2013-6-3 14:29

Linn DSM and AV amp must different la, but u sure can find out the different???

same as Matt Hing suggestion, try before buy!!{:6_142:}

CountDeMoney 發表於 2013-6-3 14:29

matt 發表於 2013-6-3 13:04 static/image/common/back.gif
did you try and test in showroom?
everybody has difference taste and standard. trust your ear!
befor ...

Yes, I tested it in the showroom.The sound is much better than what I have in my home.But the speakers are also different, so I am not sure if the difference can be attributed to the amp/network streamer alone.Maybe their speakers are also much better than mine.

matt 發表於 2013-6-3 20:51

yes you are correct, as most of new hands are facing same problem as yours. it is difficult to tell the difference the unique character only by individual units.
therefore i suggest they tested in show room and buy whole set from them as if you like the sound from whole set as a start up. otherwsie it il be headach for matching them.

i suggest you test different brand first and ask c hing here whether you listen comments is something match here experience ching. then you have confident to make decision.

Or i have crazy idea that you bring your speakers to show room to final test the unit in order to make sure you did not buy the wrong thing.

i did this crazy thing before. i brought along whole set of pre and power amp total 150lbs (pre 30lbs and power 120lbs) to the dealer to final test the speakers.

Or invite ching here to visit showroom together and share the comments together.

i have no expereince on CAS and no depth experience on Linn(i only have Linn CDP ikemi before), my commetns on Linn is good on musical and like a lady.

hope you can find the good match equipment.

matt 發表於 2013-6-3 20:58

did they(dealer/showrrom) use entry level equipment incl. cables(similar price level of yours), if yes, the sound you hear will not be huge difference such as details, sound stage, it is matter of taste.

for linn, imho, if you listen classical, it is not so suitable, for female vocal, it is great!

nicknick 發表於 2013-6-3 21:58

本帖最後由 nicknick 於 2013-6-3 22:02 編輯

我有個簡單D的建議,不如樓主直接請求有Linn Majik DSM的網友帶這DSM家訪樓主,直接試聲,帶DSM外出家訪遠比帶整套amp與喇叭去試player容易,不過要樓主幸運有師兄肯回應先得。再唔係試下問代理可否請sales帶機到家試?有D代理肯的,我唔知呢間肯唔肯。

不過就算我冇試過,斷估聲音都會有唔少的提升,最多係聲底岩唔岩口味啫,既然樓主都試聽過滿意,應該都不遠矣~ {:1_343:}

CountDeMoney 發表於 2013-6-4 09:48

另一個方案是買 Linn Majik DS (即只有Network Streamer, 不包amp), 另加一部 2ch amp.好處是(可能)好聲一點 (代理話, 小弟無知), 將來如要換 amp 較易.問題是買2部機可能較貴, 可能不夾, 又不識買。

順帶一問, Marantz pm-15s2 2ch integrated amp 好嗎?聽音樂跟 Marantz SR6004 會否有分別?

SkyGeo 發表於 2013-6-4 09:59

CountDeMoney 發表於 2013-6-4 09:48 static/image/common/back.gif
另一個方案是買 Linn Majik DS (即只有Network Streamer, 不包amp), 另加一部 2ch amp.好處是(可能)好聲 ...

通常一套西裝 (同一牌子) 較易配合,一套Linn, 一套Marantz, 易出到「好」聲!

CountDeMoney 發表於 2013-6-4 10:10

SkyGeo 發表於 2013-6-4 09:59 static/image/common/back.gif
通常一套西裝 (同一牌子) 較易配合,一套Linn, 一套Marantz, 易出到「好」聲! ...

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