早排update Jriver時佢會彈左去佢個網頁叫人uninstall jplay,話佢係一個騙局,對聲音完全沒有幫助原文係JPlay is a hoax, Please uninstall jplay咁上下,大家有冇見到? ha, 但我木耳都聽到音質有好明顯的改善 wow! http://jplay.eu/forum/jplay/does-jplay-plugin-to-jriver-result-in-bsod-cutoff-and-reboot-at-end-of-a-track-or-playlist/
Jriver’s response to my post (Jim H):
I posted this on computeraudiophile.com
"If you've installed Jplay, please read what we've just heard from a
knowledgeable user:
'The last jplay download added a dll to MC17 that allows your
program to load to RAM before playback. I haven't been able to notice any sound
difference and at times it seems to cause the BSOD, therefor I've removed it.'
"As you may have guessed, JRiver does not advise using Jplay with JRiver
Media Center."
其實會唔會係setting問題? ram唔夠? calcal 發表於 2013-6-1 13:03 static/image/common/back.gif
http://jplay.eu/forum/jplay/does-jplay-plugin-to-jriver-result-in-bsod-cutoff-and-reboot-at-end-of-a ...
人地都講到出口,唔知比左錢買jplay既人會點? kkkiu 發表於 2013-7-1 15:26 static/image/common/back.gif
聽到有提升就好了. 音響野真係無咩係絕對! I don't use Jplay in JRiver.
Instead, I use Digital Room Correction software called Audiolense and then insert the filter file in JRiver.
As the problem caused by my listening room is resolved by DRC, the result is excellent!!!