Naim CD5XS 磁石唔聽時須要拎出黎嗎?
本帖最後由 gabeal 於 2013-5-24 09:59 編輯剛剛入手CD5XS, 想問問個磁石(CD鎮?) 唔聽歌時須要拎出黎定就咁由佢放係CD盤入面都OK呢?
thank you 大家 睇吓磁石pug的軟膠粒有無被壓住。如果無就唔駛拎出嚟。 dinodin 發表於 2013-5-24 11:31 static/image/common/back.gif
thank you ching
番去研究下先......之前用宇宙盤入DAC MAGIC再入INT AMP, 而家CD機直入AMP感覺BASS好重....
唔知係咩原因, 又唔知係咪新腳架問題.....煲下先再諗.... 通常個CD鎮建議唔聽時唔好放在機内。
原因也不太清楚。 曾經用過CD5X, 初用時試過唔聽CD將磁石放回盤內,有次拿起磁石同時將那塊金屬圓片吸起了,要拿給代理用膠水將圓片痴回盤內,所以之後唔聽CD時便不再將磁石放入盤內。 ckw3031 發表於 2013-5-24 22:24 static/image/common/back.gif
因為怕軟膠粒長期被壓著永久變形,導致不能㚒緊CD碟播放。 原來咁危險...即刻拎番出黎先.thanks ching It was designed to have s cd in between. Try to havr a dummy cd there st all time. 有cd係度咪唔攞,冇就唔會放番入去。
所以部机都會長時間都有碟係度,幾年泥都冇問題。。。 各位可以去Naim的FAQ看看
Some CDs do not play.
If the problem discs spin briefly (making an unpleasant scrapping noise) and then the front panel displays "ERROR" the likely cause is a slipping puck.
At initial start up the cd needs to be brought up to reading speed for the transport to become aware that there is a disc present. If the 3 tube grips have become flattened (often as a result of being left in place on a non-playing cd overnight) they will not couple the cd to the motor hub sufficiently for it to come up to speed. This will often first occur with thinner than standard discs.
If this seems to be the case - rotate the rubber tubes in the puck through 90 degrees. This restores them to a position "proud" of the puck and they will grip thin discs. They would also benefit from a little clean with isopropyl alcohol (if you can get some) to remove any grease.
It is a good idea to own 2 pucks - rotating their use day to day.
Also try to avoid leaving the puck on a cd overnight. Eventually the rubber will become too old to get a grip. A new puck will normally sort matters out.