ctwdavid 發表於 2013-5-21 20:28

最可惜日本SHM-SACD呢隻出唔成,我本來係日遜訂咗都被cut order...{:8_381:}

agic 發表於 2013-5-21 20:35

ctwdavid 發表於 2013-5-21 20:28 static/image/common/back.gif
最可惜日本SHM-SACD呢隻出唔成,我本來係日遜訂咗都被cut order...


yuyikurt 發表於 2013-5-22 09:25

As I know,Mobile Fidelity is known as releasing LP and 24K golden disc. Recent years this company begins to release SACD format disc and I have NOT yet bought any of these SACD releasings. Who can kindly share some information or feeling after listening?

Soundboy 發表於 2013-5-23 07:45

yuyikurt 發表於 2013-5-21 17:25 static/image/common/back.gif
As I know,Mobile Fidelity is known as releasing LP and 24K golden disc. Recent years this company be ...

The Mobile Fidelity SACDs I've tried are very good.It's very rare that this company do a bad job at releasing an audiophile CD/LP/SACD.

One reason that I've read why Mobile Fidelity are releasing more SACDs is because of the rise in price of gold.I am not sure if this is true since I don't think there is that much gold in a 24K gold CD.However, another audiophile label, Audio Fidelity, which has aleays released 24K gold CDs is now also switching to SACD.

DragonI 發表於 2013-5-23 10:46

本帖最後由 DragonI 於 2013-5-23 10:48 編輯

Many years ago, Audio Fidelity (not Mobile Fidelity) consider to release sacd, finally, they decide to relase 24k gold.
Now they decide to release sacd.

Soundtrack " Blader Runner" released LP (limited edition with red vanly), red vanly is very rare, i bought it. Now out of stock in hk.
Mobile Fidelity will release 24K gold sacd soon, must buy.


yuyikurt 發表於 2013-5-24 10:18

Soundboy 發表於 2013-5-23 07:45 static/image/common/back.gif
The Mobile Fidelity SACDs I've tried are very good.It's very rare that this company do a bad job ...

It seems like it's a trend for Mobile Fidelity to release SACD instead of LP/Golden disc in future.
Recently i'm very interested in 2 albums of Pixies - SuferRosa and Bassanova with SACD format released by Mobile Fidelity.
So really wanna know some listening feeling from others,Thanks a lot!~
頁: 1 [2]
查看完整版本: Dire Straits' "Brothers In Arms" coming to SACD....again

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