tomboy 發表於 2009-7-14 08:24


andyy423 發表於 2009-7-14 08:57


即食麵 發表於 2009-7-14 09:05


alzard 發表於 2009-7-14 09:06

Looked pretty good!

myminihifi 發表於 2009-7-14 09:13


monov 發表於 2009-7-14 09:49


Gulu 發表於 2009-7-14 10:28

請問Feedback Destroyer 有咩用?
希望ching 5D出教学啦{:6_237:}

magkids 發表於 2009-7-14 10:30

monov 發表於 2009-7-14 09:49

效果絕對好過同價位10" (依家好D 10" 都要6K....)
不過同p13u個D 有所不及(話晒都成16k..)
如果下次我會比多d買 US$300 Up ge Driver
同買大功率amp (我而家得230W@4Ohm)

magkids 發表於 2009-7-14 10:33

magkid hing,

請教一下亇一千元feedback destroyer咩model. 係咪auto calibrate? 可否指教一下点tune超低?
ryanenen 發表於 2009-7-14 10:17

FeedBack Destroyer model 係1124P
係舊MODEL (而家出到2196), US 要$99
無Auto EQ ,要手動
即係用REW度 再 manual or auto REW 較部1124P
av100fun 有post教人用REW度roomEQ

magkids 發表於 2009-7-14 10:55

請問Feedback Destroyer 有咩用?
希望ching 5D出教学啦{:6_237:}
Gulu 發表於 2009-7-14 10:28

Feedback Destroyer 係一個Equalizer
例如你要tune 某一/幾個Hz ge dB (當然係你用mic 同REW 度左之後)
你可以靠1. 擺位 2. EQ 去tune 個 db Curve

Digital 2-channel feedback suppressor/parametric EQ based on a high-power 24-bit DSP

20-bit A/D and D/A converters with 64/128 times oversampling

Automatically searches and suppresses feedback frequencies

24 programmable, fully parametric filters, adjustable manually or via MIDI

Single-Shot, Auto and Manual mode selectable for each filter

24-bit internal processing, professional 46-kHz sampling rate

Servo-balanced inputs and outputs with XLR and 1/4 in. TRS connectors

Internal power supply for professional use

Extensive MIDI implementation

Super-precise 8-segment LED level meters

"Future-proof" updatable software architecture

Technical Info
Analog Inputs Connectors: XLR and 1/4 in. jack

Analog Outputs Connectors: XLR and 1/4 in. jack

Bandwidth: 20 Hz to 20 kHz, -3 dB

Noise: > 94 dB, unweighted, 20 Hz to 20 kHz

THD: 0.0075 % typ. @ +4 dBu, 1 kHz, Gain 1

Crosstalk: < -76 dB

MIDI Interface: Type 5-Pin-DIN-Socket IN/OUT/THRU

Digital Processing: Converters 20-bit Sigma-Delta, 64/128x oversampling

Display: Type 2 1/2-digit numeric LED-Display

Power Consumption max. 15 Watts

Dimensions (H x W x D): 1-3/4 x 19 x 7-1/2 in. (44.5 x 482.6 x 190.5 mm)

Net Weight: 2 kg, approximately

Shipping Weight: 3 kg, approximately
頁: 1 2 3 4 [5] 6 7 8 9 10
查看完整版本: 暑假DIY Subwoofer

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