發表於 2013-7-3 14:17
Cambridge 751r個Pink Noise會受Master Volume影響的嗎?
發表於 2013-7-3 14:21
本帖最後由 louis001 於 2013-7-3 14:22 編輯
chhanthony 發表於 2013-7-3 14:17 static/image/common/back.gif
Cambridge 751r個Pink Noise會受Master Volume影響的嗎?
會架師兄 你扭得越大聲 出黎既聲會越大 {:6_154:}
所以我自己之前個setting 就係用中置為標準 所有聲度跟中置音壓黎做設定
發表於 2013-7-3 14:22
louis001 發表於 2013-7-3 13:40 static/image/common/back.gif
咁如果冇人再攪事 我都唔介意既 我係怕又生事端姐師兄
發表於 2013-7-3 14:24
evan24hk 發表於 2013-7-3 14:22 static/image/common/back.gif
咁多心血同心得~無 ...
我都係新手黎架咋師兄 有好多野 你越懂得多 原來最後先發現 識得既係越少 {:6_154:}
發表於 2013-7-3 14:29
louis001 發表於 2013-7-3 14:21 static/image/common/back.gif
會架師兄 你扭得越大聲 出黎既聲會越大
現時好少機會係咁,以前安橋6系同Yamaha個pink noise先會受Master Volume所影響,
因為好似同THX規定有關,所以有THX認証嘅AV Receiver個pink noise都係唔會受Master Volume所影響,
但佢地會喺usual manual度寫明要先將Master Volume set到"0",之後先用pink noise set channel level 去到75dB,
但我睇751r個manual又無提到,只係話要set到各聲道音壓一致,咁-43呢個數係點嚟?係唔係有另一份高階嘅user manual?
The 651R/751R allows level calibration to match the acoustic level between
different types/sizes or even manufacturers of speaker that may be being
used for each channel. This is achieved by adjusting the relative level of each
speaker. This can be done manually through the ‘Level Calibration’ menu in
the OSD or automatically, see the following Audyssey auto setup section of
this manual.
The basic process for manual adjustment is to listen to or measure with a
Sound Pressure Level (SPL) meter (more accurate and recommended but
not essential) the level of sound produced by each speaker and set relative
levels for each speaker so that they all sound the same loudness at the
normal listening position. The 651R/751R incorporates a Test Signal
Generator (broad-band white noise) to facilitate this.
Press the OSD button on the remote control then select the ‘Level
Calibration’ menu. Now turn on the test signal by highlighting this item and
pressing the Left or Right arrows:
You can now move up and down the channels using Volume Up/Down on the
remote. Each time a new channel is selected the test signal will be heard to
move to that channel. Compare the loudness of all channels as heard at the
listening position.
A “rushing” or “hissy” sound should be heard.
Now adjust the channels so they all sound the same (in terms of loudness
only, channels of different frequency responses can sound different in terms
of the “tone” of the sound i.e. more or less hissy).
Pick the channel that sounds most different and select it to listen to the test
signal. Now adjust the relative level in dB (using Arrow left/right on the
remote) and continue comparing it to other channels until it is of equal
loudness. The level can be adjusted up to + or - 10dB in 1dB steps. Repeat
the process with the next most different channel. Once all channels sound
the same in terms of loudness, press the OSD button again to save the
settings and exit the menu.
發表於 2013-7-3 14:35
小瑟 發表於 2013-7-3 14:14 static/image/common/back.gif
刪成個POST又唔需要, 留意返大家言詞就可以了!!!!
好勒, 大家都係係返個POST討論影音, 其他野唔好再講了~~ ...
袛要係理性討論 無論係對與錯 我都會支持 無人可以懂得全世界既知識
總會有的地方係不足 討論同測試既定義係搵出心中既答案 當然 認唔認同就要睇個人既知識範疇 修為 同理解 無話對與錯 正如以前有人話地球係圓既人 最後都係俾人燒死收場一樣 討論有火花係好 但去到人身攻擊 我個人就真係唔能夠接受 我都希望大家可以有良好既討論氣氛 正如師兄講左-43 個個問題 我試過 係ok 有幫助 我一樣出分享 唔會話因為某人我唔鐘意就否定佢既建樹一樣 我個人我自問都算係公平 同公開 袛係有人俾誤導先攪成咁 其實我自己都有責任 {:6_162:}
發表於 2013-7-3 14:36
louis001 發表於 2013-7-3 14:24 static/image/common/back.gif
我都係新手黎架咋師兄 有好多野 你越懂得多 原來最後先發現 識得既係越少 ...
just my 2 cents{:1_249:}
發表於 2013-7-3 14:42
chhanthony 發表於 2013-7-3 14:29 static/image/common/back.gif
現時好少機會係咁,以前安橋6系同Yamaha個pink noise先會受Master Volume所影響,
因為好似同THX規定有關 ...
呢個係之前史單利師兄講出黎話代理既設定 我都追問左三次佢先講出黎 我以自己為例
我開到 -43 然後用音壓計測試 好奇怪地真係出左 75db 呢個數值 然後我叫另外一個751r 用家去調教
佢都話效果係出奇地好 另同另一個用家都研究過 751r 係斷電情況下 重新開機 音量會係 -40 咁係咪 -40
其實先係岩 重有有待研究 正如師兄咁講 就算我搵器材 測試好條線係平 但最終都要用家耳仔聽到為準一樣
-40 同 -43 相差唔係太大我估應該唔會有太大分別
發表於 2013-7-3 14:45
chhanthony 發表於 2013-7-3 14:36 static/image/common/back.gif
呢個世界所有知識都係越知越覺無知,有時亦會因為一啲新發現而推反自己一直相信嘅事,人每天進步,世界每 ...
多謝師兄 小弟受教 {:6_162:}
發表於 2013-7-3 14:51
本帖最後由 chhanthony 於 2013-7-3 14:56 編輯
louis001 發表於 2013-7-3 14:21 static/image/common/back.gif
會架師兄 你扭得越大聲 出黎既聲會越大
所以我自己之前個setting 就係用中置為標準 所有聲度 ...
用中置為標準,但係Master Volume會對pink noise有影響時咁個Master Volume要開到去-43dB?
從AV書籍所知,dolby labs嘅reference 音壓為105dB,而一般AV AMP嘅pink noise為dolby labs嘅reference值減30dB,所以得出75dB(105dB – 30dB)呢個數值。將所有speakers校至同一音壓係因為唔希望各聲道音壓不一問題,所以是否75dB呢個已經唔重要。
另一方面要知道Master Volume控制入電量,而Sound Levels係控制訊號放大,如果將Sound Levels收至好細,令訊號微弱,只係不停加大Master Volume係只會大聲。相反將訊號加得太大會有機會出現失真同拆聲。如果訊號強弱恰當,係動態,音色,力感及細節等都會有較好嘅表現。
而一般以香港一般家居環境,加上用玩選用嘅AV AMP同Speakers嘅質素。喺由Auto Set Up情況下,要各聲道達75dB呢個標準,一般sound levels都會減幾個dB或以上。呢個同空間,AV AMP嘅推力都有關係。
所以Anthony一般會用另一個方法去set Sound levels。方法十分簡單,先將中置sound levels調至+/- 0 dB呢個水平,再用音壓計量度由中置輸出嘅音壓,最後以中置輸出嘅音壓為基準去調校其他channel。咁點解係+/- 0dB?點解要用中置係reference唔用前置,唔用後置?+/- 0dB係因為呢個數值係較為中性,而中置係單一喇叭,唔會出現左右喇叭大細聲而唔知跟左定右好嘅問題,而影片中70%音效嚟自中置channel,所以用中置為reference較為好啲。而用以上方法為Keith兄調校Sound Levels得出以下數值(Sound Levels 值為80dB):
C: +/- 0dB,L/R : + 0.5dB,SL: +1.5dB,SR: +3.5B,SW: -12dB