Ching,請問徐左KT77外,仲可以邊只膽?身痕想換膽。 KT66 can also be replaced by 6L6GC 唔該哂。請問會有大分別嗎? 6CA7, KT88, 6550 Ching,我部合併係auto bias.係唔係教錯左會燒機? chengvin 發表於 2013-5-9 19:47 static/image/common/back.gifChing,我部合併係auto bias.係唔係教錯左會燒機?
yes! Agree!
Basically 6CA7, KT77 and EL34 is the same tube and shall able to be interchanged without any issues...
KT66 is equal to 6L6GC
KT88 is equal to 6550
Is not the same thing at all!!! KT88 is equal to 6550...