plnl88 發表於 2013-5-8 14:18

【分享】呢個鬼佬玩屎專業到出埋示波儀~~ 勁!

本帖最後由 plnl88 於 2013-5-9 00:31 編輯

非常多謝 alpinewesis 師兄 pass 呢條 link 比濺晶。 {:6_162:}
濺晶覺得 此位外籍仁兄 Mr DarqueKnight 簡直 係 【屎の鍊金術師】。
此 Link 值得各位 玩屎界 同道 撥冗一讀。認同與否,實在精彩異常。

Oscilloscope measurements revealed that these fuses are actually noise filtering/power conditioning devices in addition to protection devices. I speculate that the manufacturers of audio grade fuses do not describe them as power conditioning devices because:

1. They would have to describe the proprietary filtering mechanism in more detail than they care to.

2. Classifying the fuses as power conditioning devices would add another layer of regulatory approval (and more costs to the manufacturer).

Both the HiFi Tuning and Isoclean fuses have arrows on their cases which indicate that they should be oriented in the direction of current (energy) flow. Some people have scoffed and ridiculed the idea of "directional" AC fuses. Rather than something to ridicule, I saw the arrows as indications that there was something going on inside the "fuses" that required a specific orientation. Initially, my ears told me that the fuses sounded better in the direction of the arrows than against it. Noise spectrum measurements with an oscilloscope verified that the line noise was lower in the direction of the arrows than against it.

I sent the following email to HiFi Tuning's offices in Germany:

I tried a 0.5 Amp Hifi Tuning fuse in my Pass Labs Xono phono preamp and Pass Labs X0.2 line level preamp. The results were spectacular.

Listening tests confirmed that the best, most detailed, most open sound was achieved when the fuses were installed with the logo pointing in the direction of current flow.

I also took some noise spectrum measurements with an oscilloscope and I definitely saw more power line noise after the fuse when it was installed with the logo pointing against the current flow.

The resistance of the fuse measured the same in both directions.

What is it about the Hifi fuse's construction that makes it directional?

I received this response the same day:

Thanks for the Feedback,

Please understand that a magician never tell anybody his tricks....;.-)
But be sure that we made the best fuses on the planet, nobody can make it better!!!


Bernd Ahne

I sent the following email to Isoclean's offices in Hong Kong:

"What is the electrical theory behind the reason why the IsoClean fuses need to be installed in one direction for best sound quality?"

I received this reply:

Dear Sir,
The meaning is same as arrow direction in signal cables. Always want to keep same direction as indicated. Hope you understand.

The only thing I understood from Isoclean's response was that they just wanted me to go away.

Fortunately, as a result of my power line noise reduction research, I had become aware of physicist Jack Bybee's pioneering research in materials-based noise reduction using special metal oxides and ceramics. His research was focused primarily on "quantum purifiers" which reduced noise at the quantum level rather than the gross level (RF, EMI). Bybee filters are used in every aspect of high end audio gear, from speakers, to amps, to source components to turntable motors. My Teres Reference II turntable motor uses Bybee noise filters. It is apparent that these audio grade fuses employ Bybee or a similar materials-based noise reduction technology. The interested reader can find further information on this fascinating technology at the Bybee Technologies Website and numerous other online resources. Just do a search on "Jack Bybee", "Bybee purifier", or "quantum purifier".

Better Understanding

At the time of my initial purchase of Isoclean audio grade fuses in January of 2008, I did not have a good understanding of what they were doing. I clearly heard improvements and I also heard the fuse's better performance in one direction than the other. It was only after I took noise spectrum measurements that I came to realize that these devices, rather than being mere "fuses", are actually noise gates and resolution enhancement devices. Accordingly, in an audio system with appropriate resolution capability, they provide benefits well in excess of their cost. I was initially stung by what I considered to be high prices for these "fuses" ($25 to $45). Now, in light of what they actually do, and my better understanding of noise reduction science, I realize they are one of the most effective low cost resolution enhancement tweaks you can buy. Please be aware that, as with any electrical noise reduction device, your results will vary according to your associated equipment and power line quality.

又要請 john.cwk 師兄 幫手譒譯了。{:1_330:}
特別鳴謝 john.cwk 師兄! {:1_347:} {:1_347:} {:1_347:}
john.cwk 師兄的譯本 貼於 Page 3, #28

fmk888 發表於 2013-5-8 14:22


plnl88 發表於 2013-5-8 14:28

fmk888 發表於 2013-5-8 14:22 static/image/common/back.gif

人家係以科學手段去研究 Hi Fi 屎的效應原因。

poetrypoon 發表於 2013-5-8 15:13

原來 isoclean fuse 係 quantum filter, 咁幾百蚊粒就真係太平啦 ...

plnl88 發表於 2013-5-8 15:18

本帖最後由 plnl88 於 2013-5-8 15:23 編輯

poetrypoon 發表於 2013-5-8 15:13 static/image/common/back.gif
原來 isoclean fuse 係 quantum filter, 咁幾百蚊粒就真係太平啦 ...

我估阿鬼佬唔係單指 Hi Fi Tuning/Isoclean,係話 D audio grade hi fi fuse 應該係做緊呢樣野。
"...It is apparent that these audio grade fuses employ Bybee or a similar materials-based noise reduction technology...."

chuwing 發表於 2013-5-8 15:25

plnl88 發表於 2013-5-8 15:18 static/image/common/back.gif
我估阿鬼佬唔係單指 Hi Fi Tuning/Isoclean,係話 D audio grade hi fi fuse 應該係做緊呢樣野。


plnl88 發表於 2013-5-8 15:27

chuwing 發表於 2013-5-8 15:25 static/image/common/back.gif


chuwing 發表於 2013-5-8 15:30

plnl88 發表於 2013-5-8 15:27 static/image/common/back.gif

哈哈………76一有屎就關晶爺事{:6_174:} !

plnl88 發表於 2013-5-8 15:33

chuwing 發表於 2013-5-8 15:30 static/image/common/back.gif
哈哈………76一有屎就關晶爺事 !

其實我都想玩SR20俾AV拖板線(紅腸)好冇?<--- 幾舊水,試下有乜壞。買個經驗。StevenTam 師兄話支 SR20 似 Hi Fi Tuning 支 Supreme。

chuwing 發表於 2013-5-8 15:35

plnl88 發表於 2013-5-8 15:33 static/image/common/back.gif

Hi Fi Tuning 支 Supreme.....係靚野?{:6_141:}
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