andytam 發表於 2013-5-5 19:12



HOHOHO 發表於 2013-5-5 19:52

never see such out looking

hkguy-sp 發表於 2013-5-6 08:44

i use something similar before... not the same model.... the container is a bit small....

as it is automatic, so some place may not be cleaned properly and it may got stuck somewhere and not able to clean it...

if you got any pets... then it may scare them or they will play with it so cant clean normally...

If you got no one at home and program it to clean during day time... not bad but dont compare the result with normal cleaner...

but make sure you prgram the time correctly.... if not it start at night time can b scary..... ahhahhha


andytam 發表於 2013-5-6 09:27

thx ching{:6_190:}

4Ktv 發表於 2013-5-6 15:31

本帖最後由 4Ktv 於 2013-5-6 15:37 編輯

我都search 好耐,呢隻korea $3280 唔値,無schedule , 無program 行路徑, sensor 又少,個設計仲有問題,selling point 話濕抹地,濕咗後再返轉頭時點吸走,真係多餘,買一定試一哥 irobot 780, 都係$5300,但790 美國出咗,香港又未有,我上星期考慮咗一星期,一年後買電池要成$600,Hepa 又貴美國好多好多,最後都係無買,都唔知實際好唔好用,我有養貓,貓毛好易死機,最後係amazon 買多部Dyson dc34 手提吸塵機算了,特價$1300,再船運返過呢好過。
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