benlau 發表於 2013-9-1 23:56

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-1 22:31 static/image/common/back.gif
If he is very busy or the shop is crowded with people, he may have no time to answer the question...

謝謝你 - lamwaikit 兄

真的不多時間.. 才有3天...

你說的在香港島的二手店我都沒去過... 如果我在香港5天就好了... 可惜只有3 天

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-2 00:01

benlau 發表於 2013-9-1 23:56 static/image/common/back.gif
謝謝你 - lamwaikit 兄

真的不多時間.. 才有3天...




benlau 發表於 2013-9-2 00:19

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-2 00:01 static/image/common/back.gif



可是不會廣東話.. 所以有時候你們寫的東西.. 我讀不太懂....

我打中文也比較慢... 所以常用英文.....



HOTEL 那邊有我最愛吃的翠華茶餐廳。。。。=)

你有沒有好吃的蛋塔介紹給我? - 地方容易找的。。 哈哈

Oh By the way... I will also visit CD warehouse at Langham Place Mongkok... The branch at Times Sq has closed.. I could not find it when I was in hong kong in earlier in May this year...

Any branch of CD warehouse which you think is worth visiting and might have a lot of older CDs which might be harder to find elsewhere?

Sorry so many questions........

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-2 01:17

benlau 發表於 2013-9-2 00:19 static/image/common/back.gif

可是不會廣東話.. 所以有時候你們寫的東西.. 我讀不太懂....

In the past, 泰興蛋撻 is the best。Nowaday, 翠華蛋撻 is also in a good quality because they use the oven to keep the 蛋撻 in a warm temperature. Thus, I will also buy it. Moreover, it is priced HK$5.00 only. It is worth.

Langham Branch is the largest branch store of CD warehouse.

There are other 2 CD shops nearby Nathan Hotel but you need walking around 15 to 20 minutes. Some of their spcial priced may be worth to buy but the normal priced CDs may be little bit higher.

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-2 01:41

benlau 發表於 2013-9-2 00:19

可是不會廣東話.. 所以有時候你們寫的東西.. 我讀不太懂....

Buying older CDs is really by luck only. Moreover, if the older CDs are priced abnormally high, I will not buy.This is because if I can pay such a high priced CDs, 倒不如buy the new CDs.

benlau 發表於 2013-9-2 07:44

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-2 01:17 static/image/common/back.gif
In the past, 泰興蛋撻 is the best。Nowaday, 翠華蛋撻 is also in a good quality because they use th ...


Yeah I remember eating egg tarts at a 翠華 branch in Causeway Bay and it was delicious!! But the Branch at Nathan Hotel does not sell egg tarts... =(

Maybe they only sell egg tarts at certain branches.

精美唱片 CHING MEI RECORDS sounds very familiar... Is this the record shop in the bookstore? There is a bookstore near an exit... Think is Exit B of Jordan MTR station and there is a small CD shop in the bookstore... Hmmm

benlau 發表於 2013-9-2 07:49

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-2 01:17 static/image/common/back.gif
In the past, 泰興蛋撻 is the best。Nowaday, 翠華蛋撻 is also in a good quality because they use th ...

豐美唱片中心 PERFECT RECORDS - 九龍 佐敦 彌敦道216-228A號 恆豐中心LG25-26 seems to be quite easy to find... From the Map it is near Jordan MTR station Exit E? {:1_351:}

So excited!!! I never been to this one before... Thanks bro for your recommendation

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-2 08:41

benlau 發表於 2013-9-2 07:44

Yeah I remember eating egg tarts at a 翠華 branch in Causeway Bay and it was delicious ...

精美唱片is located on at Temple Street. Yes, it is a small shop.

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-2 08:46

benlau 發表於 2013-9-2 07:49
豐美唱片中心 PERFECT RECORDS - 九龍 佐敦 彌敦道216-228A號 恆豐中心LG25-26 seems to be quite easy t ...

This shop is the fellow shop of 精美唱片。They are under the same owner. It is also a small shop. They have some special priced CDs to sell. Of course, these may not be selliing good in the past. If you have time, you can walk around these shops.

benlau 發表於 2013-9-8 13:48

lamwaikit007 發表於 2013-9-2 08:46 static/image/common/back.gif
This shop is the fellow shop of 精美唱片。They are under the same owner. It is also a small shop....


Just went to 豐美唱片中心 PERFECT RECORDS which you recommended ... Bought quite a lot of old albums....

Leo ku, Shirley Kwan, sammi cheung etc... It's on offer n the prices are really cheap...

Thank you so much.

I went to 精美唱片 but it was not opened..

Just knew they only open at 2pm... Probably will see if I can go again later...
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查看完整版本: 香港- 哪裡買唱片?

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