victor_wong 發表於 2013-5-3 18:10

如果我冇 4K 電視,咁出嚟效果會係點呢,唔知? {:9_436:}

Ken704 發表於 2013-5-3 18:24


borishkb 發表於 2013-5-3 18:31


herox 發表於 2013-5-3 18:38

等Ken Sir 報告, 睇下有無驚喜{:8_390:}

myblue 發表於 2013-5-3 19:20


breadvan 發表於 2013-5-3 19:26

These are films some shot in native 4k like Spider-Man and some scanned using 4k scanner, and then down sampled back to 1080p so they are technically not 4k, you don't need 4k tv and there is no 4k player anyway.This is the first batch released by Sony to warm up the market to create demand and to share your hard earn money.They may look better but also likely a result of them treating the master with more care and with higher requirement. A few of these titles are selling at amazon at 14.99 some are I think 34.99.It's just like everything is being released n SACD or XRCD again so any layer of money to be made.

breadvan 發表於 2013-5-3 19:31

The xvYcc mentioned in the back is actually more interesting.

keroic 發表於 2013-5-3 20:48

shark.l 發表於 2013-5-3 21:14


dragonyam 發表於 2013-5-3 21:21

Ken Sir...4K畫汁有無靚咗???
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查看完整版本: Mastered in 4K (實物圖) "04/05"入多3隻

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