小瑟 發表於 2013-5-2 18:59

Post76《學而。唱 chanteur》Pure Audio Blu-Ray 分享會(突擊105摩膽)

(Post76 Android 手機版送出)

kc275 發表於 2013-5-2 20:28


leo25 發表於 2013-5-2 20:46

本帖最後由 leo25 於 2013-5-2 20:48 編輯

上次6爺比條link我睇, 睇完o哂嘴{:6_200:}

xxijixx 發表於 2013-5-2 21:10


blackcolor 發表於 2013-5-3 00:21

{:6_192:} 有師兄親自帶去試?{:6_121:}


homantin 發表於 2013-5-4 12:52


Review modification price: $2.295 for the mod., $1.200 for the stock player


billymud 發表於 2013-5-4 13:15

買到PCB。、有靚 6SN7 先有得改 !

<< extracted, credit: 6moons.com >>
This includes a new external all-tube power supply with 5AR4 tube rectifier (GZ34, 5U4 or 5V4) and
two 13EM7 tube regulators (12EM7 may be rolled). The latter are 12V versions of the same family as
the 6-volt 6EM7VR used in our $10.000 flagship preamp's power supply. This family resemblance is no
accident. Our mod supply is not fully dual mono but does use dual-mono voltage regulation. It also
improves video by providing better cleaner power to all video-processing chips including all HDMI,
video circuits and digital audio outputs. The player uses class A 6SN7 drivers for the fully balanced
and single-ended outputs both as player and DAC via the coaxial and USB digital inputs. The driver tubes
stick through the player's lid as both our trademark design and by necessity to dissipate heat. Meanwhile
the three tubes in our custom external power supply are enclosed though by request we can make holes to
accommodate the giant EML 5U4G rectifiers. In addition to the new power supply design we have further
improved our existing signal-path mod for Oppo players as follows:

• New bias point for 6SN7 tube stage optimized for the new power supply
• All pure silver cryo-treated solid-core signal wiring from Cardas metals
• Cardas GRFA stereo RCA outputs
• Furutech cryo-treated IEC power inlet connector
• The very best resistors in key signal path applications.
• ModWright Instruments capacitors in all critical areas.

小瑟 發表於 2013-5-6 08:02

billymud 發表於 2013-5-4 13:15 static/image/common/back.gif
買到PCB。、有靚 6SN7 先有得改 !


(Post76 Android 手機版送出)
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查看完整版本: Post76《學而。唱 chanteur》Pure Audio Blu-Ray 分享會(突擊105摩膽)

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