傳聞 Sigma 18-35 f1.8
向18-200 f1.8又邁進一步~{:6_134:}http://photorumors.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/Sigma-18-35-mm-F1.8-DC-HSM-lens-550x279.jpg
Designed for APS-C based DSLR cameras
Ultrasonic autofocus (HSM)
9 aperture blades
Type A (Art), which guarantees quality materials, metal bayonet
Filter size: 72mm
Minimum aperture: f/16
Lens construction: 17 elements in 12 groups
The maximum magnification ratio: 0.23x
Weight: 810 grams, length: 121mm
Angle of view: 76.5 - 44.2°
Internal zoom and focusing
Minimal focusing distance: 28cm
source 有D 吸引 {:6_134:}{:6_134:}{:6_134:}{:6_134:} apsc鏡, 用唔著... Thanks for sharing 18-35都咁大枝{:1_329:} SonSon 發表於 2013-4-20 13:23 static/image/common/back.gif
大光圈好難細支咯~{:6_138:} 本帖最後由 rlwk2009 於 2013-4-21 21:12 編輯
如果係 15-30 f 3.5-4.5 嘅新款 15-30 再轉做 f 1.8 就正了{:6_139:}