yin912 發表於 2013-4-12 21:15

Ching指點 ASUS Xonar Essence One 如要換MUSES 01

Ching指點,ASUS Xonar Essence One 如要換MUSES 01 ,如只用RCA 或XLR接去amp聽歌,係未换3粒就得?或一定要換晒六粒?如果換3粒要換邊個位,如果換6粒要換邊個位?thx

kampo2013 發表於 2013-4-20 17:19


yin912 發表於 2013-4-20 17:48

kampo2013 發表於 2013-4-20 17:19 static/image/common/back.gif

Ok thx

eyebyeye 發表於 2013-5-2 00:09

Yes, buy the standard version and install several muse opamps is much cheaper and reasonable.

With quite a lot of trying, the best configuration of Opamp to upgrade from the 1st generation of Asus E1 should be:
LME49710HA(I/V) + Muse02(LPF) + LME49710HA(LO)

I had a chance to test the standard E1 with total 6 pcs. muse01 installed on the I/V and LPF positions. It doesn't improve anything but lower the clarity and limited both super treble and lowest bass. Seems it is a waste of money to apply 4pcs. muse01 to the I/V area. Only 2pcs. for LPF is enough to maintain the musical character.

Also, with muse01 on LPF, it performs only a bit more reverb(堂音) than muse02 but muse02 has correct brightness, fuller mid range(人聲較真實), deeper bass and body. I hear kick drum more realistic, fast and impact.
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