想請教下.本人上年買左2k13 主力都係玩my career
但係最近2個月都玩唔到.入到my career但係Play next Game 就係咁 saving to server....
試過用第二隻碟.... Restart 部機...., router , modem
Please help..... 我個player 玩到99 入唔番好心痛
my fd seems also got the same problem, will be hanged immediately after load game, should be a bug.... lours 發表於 2013-4-16 00:05 static/image/common/back.gif
my fd seems also got the same problem, will be hanged immediately after load game, should be a bug.. ...
After I tried so many times, and u figure out that it's my home network problem.
And I'm using Hgc 100mb . And now I use my Csl 4g hotspot to share Wi-Fi to my ps3
Dont know why but it works now. Tell your friend to try mistaleung 發表於 2013-5-15 19:14 static/image/common/back.gif
After I tried so many times, and u figure out that it's my home network problem.
And I'm using Hgc ...
oh, that means your internet can't connect to the server, and lead to the bug?