cmanlui 發表於 2009-7-7 09:44


聽聞好似有~但唔 SURE€想問下大家~

symbz 發表於 2009-7-7 13:05
Yes Man

Imagine saying yes to everything that comes your way, regardless of your wishes or the implications. That's exactly what Carl Allen (Jim Carrey) has to do in this comedy based on the memoir by Danny Wallace. YES MAN also stars Zooey Deschanel, Bradley Cooper and John Michael Higgins, and is directed by Peyton Reed (BRING IT ON, DOWN WITH LOVE).

Special Features

Behind-the-scenes featurette

Extreme stunts featurette

Gag reel

Music videos

Future Sounds: Munchausen By Proxy featurette

On Set with Danny Wallace: The Original Yes Man - Behind-the-scenes tour

YES MAN Party Central with Norman Stokes

Say Yes! To Red Bull featurette

Bonus digital copy


Peyton Reed


Rhys Darby, Jim Carrey, Brent Briscoe, Sasha Alexander, John Michael Higgins, Terence Stamp, Patrick Labyorteaux, Bradley Cooper, Luis Guzman, Danny Masterson, Zooey Deschanel, Molly Sims and Rocky Carroll

Technical Information

Region: B

Aspect Ratio: 16:9 Anamorphic Wide Screen

Sound: Dolby Digital True HD

Running Time: 104 minutes

Production Year: 2008

Languages: English (Main) ; Brazilian Portuguese ; French ; Latin Spanish

Subtitles: English ; Brazilian Portuguese ; French & Latin Spanish

cmanlui 發表於 2009-7-7 14:55

頁: [1]
查看完整版本: 英版 YES MAN

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