Eyesmuri 發表於 2013-4-1 13:28

JPS 紅腸同JPS Power AC

有冇師兄用過jps power ac? 如果落去av amp,邊條會出黎效果好d呢?

plnl88 發表於 2013-4-1 13:41

AC+ 好似成 4千幾,五千,是一條正式的 Hi Fi 線。
我估九成比 In-Wall 好。

bensoncfmak 發表於 2013-4-1 17:46


Eyesmuri 發表於 2013-4-1 18:33


plnl88 發表於 2013-4-1 18:53

本帖最後由 plnl88 於 2013-4-1 18:55 編輯

Eyesmuri 發表於 2013-4-1 18:33 static/image/common/back.gif

因為 Benson 哥中左鉑金毒。{:6_174:}
JPS In-Wall 就一定係。
AC+ 就未知。

plnl88 發表於 2013-4-1 21:26

bensoncfmak 發表於 2013-4-1 17:46 static/image/common/back.gif

JPS AC+ 有英插的。

"Custom heavy duty AC plug (gold Euro schuko and UK also available) and Wattgate IEC plug at the equipment end top off today's POWER AC + as one of the most popular and largest of AC cords on the market, with its origins with the original model going back long before other high-end cable makers were even in business. Our cable experience and universal praise in so many different systems puts JPS on the top of most any manufacture's short list of the best cables to use if all you want is true to the source music, rhythm, and soul."

bensoncfmak 發表於 2013-4-1 22:22

plnl88 發表於 2013-4-1 21:26 static/image/common/back.gif
JPS AC+ 有英插的。

"Custom heavy duty AC plug (gold Euro schuko and UK also available) and Wattg ...

JPS AC+價位咁高,有英插都要考慮下,比起JPS IN WALL增長幾多都未知,不過用左咁耐紅腸都對於JPS有好感{:6_193:}

bensoncfmak 發表於 2013-4-1 22:25

plnl88 發表於 2013-4-1 18:53 static/image/common/back.gif
因為 Benson 哥中左鉑金毒。
JPS In-Wall 就一定係。
AC+ 就未知。


小仲 發表於 2013-4-1 22:30


plnl88 發表於 2013-4-1 22:36

小仲 發表於 2013-4-1 22:30 static/image/common/back.gif

吓,次次一講 JPS,二手區就會有一條出現。
個條 digital ac-x 係比細電流野如 bdp, cdp, dac, tv 用的。
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