我想問有無人試過類似咁既事?我最怕去到是傳消那些. i went to something similar... that is marriott club... and u got free buffet there after listen to their talk..... hkguy-sp 發表於 2013-3-30 17:34 static/image/common/back.gif
i went to something similar... that is marriott club... and u got free buffet there after listen to...
i just concern that is MLM or not,
and prize is attractive,city super cash coupon 500{:1_352:} 光棍佬教仔...{:6_201:} LV70 發表於 2013-3-30 17:52 static/image/common/back.gif
i just concern that is MLM or not,
and prize is attractive,city super cash coupon 500
any way there a bunch of sales people... so u need to be strong and not buy it... if not.... ahhhah 點調查你都會中獎, 根本目的攞你電話再打比你, 我十幾年前都收過啦, 警訊都唔知講過幾多次, 你唔係覺得咁易中獎. gkfp 發表於 2013-3-31 00:32 static/image/common/back.gif
點調查你都會中獎, 根本目的攞你電話再打比你, 我十幾年前都收過啦, 警訊都唔知講過幾多次, 你唔係覺得咁易 ...
YES,所以我都想問下睇下有無人去過,而係傳銷之煩既野黎,因為我都覺好大隻蛤蜊 我都遇過, 都係搵笨 {:6_194:}{:6_194:} 好多年前我遇過,明知無好野,喺電話內佢係咁落足咀頭氹我,我就應酬吓佢話到時會去。到當日我梗係無出現啦,呢班PK打電話嚟x喎,我咪x翻佢,結果互x咗10分鐘左右就大家收線。 仲嚟中獎呢招?? 乜仲有人信...... {:6_136:}