Pioneer 你死左去遑
有冇C HING 知道先峰BD機幾時有新作 我都好想知......由佢上一部頂級 55 到而家咁耐都未有新機出 {:6_199:} keke323 發表於 2013-3-29 10:03 static/image/common/back.gif我都好想知......由佢上一部頂級 55 到而家咁耐都未有新機出
頂級 55 mean LX55? HOHOHO 發表於 2013-3-29 10:12 static/image/common/back.gif
頂級 55 mean LX55?
yes...近年頂級機係得 LX55 {:6_188:} 晒時間{:6_243:} keke323 發表於 2013-3-29 10:19 static/image/common/back.gif
yes...近年頂級機係得 LX55
any negative comment about this?
I want to buy it beacuse very low price now................... HOHOHO 發表於 2013-3-29 10:25 static/image/common/back.gif
any negative comment about this?
I want to buy it beacuse very low price now...................
基本上 LX55 你用 2千幾蚊呢個價錢去評論佢其實算係超值的
聽歌唔好有要求...但畫質絕對收貨 {:6_238:} keke323 發表於 2013-3-29 10:29 static/image/common/back.gif
基本上 LX55 你用 2千幾蚊呢個價錢去評論佢其實算係超值的
聽歌唔好有要求...但畫質絕對收貨 ...
畫質絕對收貨..................I just need this {:6_199:}
where can buy it? HOHOHO 發表於 2013-3-29 10:32 static/image/common/back.gif
畫質絕對收貨..................I just need this
where can buy it?
ho兄...去旺角友成走轉啦 {:6_238:} keke323 發表於 2013-3-29 11:38 static/image/common/back.gif
THANK YOU{:6_193:}