chhanthony 發表於 2013-3-27 17:08

OPPO BDP-103/BDP-105 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update (dsd SUPPORTED)

Comparing to the previous Official release version BDP10X-38-1220, the major changes included in this version are:

Added support for Direct Stream Digital (DSD) file playback from local storage. The DSD files can be either stereo or multi-channel. Both the DFF and the DSF formats are supported.
Added support for CUE file playback. The function can be applied to music files on local storage and supported audio formats include FLAC, WAV, APE and MP3.
Added a feature that allows the creation of playlists while accessing music files from local USB storage. When navigating these music files, pressing the OPTION button will bring up a menu with a prompt to either "Add to playlist" or "Goto playlist". The created playlist file is stored within the local USB storage, inside "OPPO_Media_Info/playlist".
Added support for the AIFF audio format.
Added support for the ExFAT file system.
Added additional Crossover Frequency selections (50, 70, 130, 140 and 160Hz) in the "Setup Menu"->"Audio Processing"->"Crossover".
Added a feature that allows the user to decide which mode (Auto, Film and Video) to use when performing video de-interlacing. This can be set in "Setup Menu"->"Video Setup" -> "HDMI Options"->"De-interlacing Mode".
Added DMR Seek capability, so the user can drag the progress bar on the DMC side and adjust the media file playback progress on the player.
Removed a limitation in "Audio Processing"->"Speaker Configuration", that turns off the SBL and SBR speakers automatically when the Center speaker is set to "Off". However, if the SL and the SR speakers are set to "Off", the SBL and the SBR speakers will still be muted.
Resolved a recently reported FLAC file playback failure issue. Some FLAC files made from the latest version of the EAC (Exact Audio Copy) software tool could not be played on the BDP-103/105 players. This issue has been resolved.
Improved the down-mixing algorithm for the BDP-105's headphone output. This results in better volume and sound stage when playing certain multi-channel audio sources.
This change takes advantage of the main audio DSP (digital signal processor) that is normally assigned to the multi-channel analog output. When headphones are connected, the multi-channel analog output is muted and the DSP is temporarily reconfigured for stereo down-mixing and its output is routed to the headphone amplifier. Please do not try to adjust the player's audio processing settings while the headphones are plugged in, as these settings are only temporarily used and will be restored to the user's original settings when the headphones are removed.
Added a feature that allows the adjustment of the audio delay time within the range of -100ms to +100ms. This can be set under "Setup Menu"->"Audio Processing" -> "A/V Sync", and the delayed time will be applied to all output terminals including HDMI 1 and 2, Coaxial, Optical, and 7.1 outputs (including the Stereo outputs of the BDP-105).
The actual audio delay effect might be different for each of the output terminals due to the different audio process algorithms and signal paths used for each output. Please adjust this setting based on the actual output terminal in use.
The negative adjustment values are for cancelling out the audio delay that the player automatically applies. Depending on the video source and the time it takes to process the video, the main decoder chip automatically applies an audio delay in order to optimize audio video synchronization. The negative manual settings reduce the automatic audio delay, while the positive manual settings apply additional delay. Any negative value setting beyond the player's automatic delay will be treated as completely cancelling the automatic delay. For example, if the "A/V Sync" value is manually set to -100ms and for the current video source the player applies a 70ms automatic audio delay, the final result is that the 70ms audio delay gets cancelled and the audio is not delayed at all. It is not possible to put audio ahead of video using this setting.
Resolved the brief audio popping issue found on the 7.1 and Stereo audio outputs. This popping noise could happen when the player is processing content from a television cable box (through the HDMI inputs), and when channels are switched on the cable box. This issue has been resolved.
Added basic support for a USB keyboard. Some of the supported keys and their functions are:
Numerical keyboard: if Num Lock is turned on, functions as Numerical buttons; if Num Lock is turned off, functions as navigation buttons ("2", "4", "6", "8").
ARROW buttons (UP, DOWN, LEFT, RIGHT): functions as navigation buttons.
HOME button: functions as HOME button.
END button: functions as STOP button.
Page Up/Down buttons: functions as PAGE UP/DOWN buttons.
ESC button: functions as RETURN button.
ENTER button: functions as ENTER button.
SPACE button: insert a space between characters on the soft keyboard.
General disc compatibility improvement based on recent and upcoming Blu-ray releases as well as user-submitted disc samples.

All features and improvements of the previous firmware are also included in this version.

minimoai 發表於 2013-3-27 17:28

無DSD usb support {:6_198:}

kc275 發表於 2013-3-27 19:47

本帖最後由 kc275 於 2013-3-27 19:49 編輯

Available now ??{:6_141:} Tks.

pan 發表於 2013-3-27 21:07

Release Notes:

This version is designed for the OPPO BDP-103 and BDP-105 Blu-ray Disc players.

Special Notice:
1.It is not possible to revert back to any previous official or beta firmware releases once this version is installed on the player. There will be no problem upgrading to any future official or beta firmware releases.
2.Due to the extensive changes in this major firmware update, it is required that the user performs a "Reset Factory Defaults" operation after the firmware is installed. Please write down your special settings before doing this, and remember to re-apply your settings and adjust the proper volume level (if applicable) before you play any content. You may experience stability issues if this step is not performed.
3.The new decoder firmware supplied by our chip vendor tightens the validation check for AVCHD file format. If the files in the BDMV folder do not fully comply with the AVCHD specification, the folder will not play. (For example, if the files are from a disc backup instead of an original AVCHD recording, the player will reject it.)
4.The VUDU application has been updated and some titles now have subtitles. However, turning on subtitles may result in the player exiting to the HOME menu unexpectedly. We are currently working with VUDU to resolve this issue.

jjjjjn 發表於 2013-3-28 00:49

93呢? 可唔可以{:6_199:}

patrick12345 發表於 2013-3-28 13:42

注意升級呢個 FIRMWARE 後會連 BDMV 都睇唔到.......

小瑟 發表於 2013-3-28 13:52

以前用家播放藍光備份的 AVCHD 檔案時,來到這個位置,



所以如果用家極之需要直讀藍光備份的 AVCHD 檔,請想清楚是否進行今次的韌體升級。


{:6_168:} {:6_168:} {:6_168:} {:6_168:} {:6_168:} {:6_168:} {:6_168:} {:6_168:} {:6_168:} {:6_168:}

小瑟 發表於 2013-3-28 13:53


patrick12345 發表於 2013-3-28 13:58

小瑟 發表於 2013-3-28 13:53 static/image/common/back.gif

用緊 93, 本來 UP 上 103 只諗會損失 ISO 功能, 現在........

OPPO 真係對自己個品牌好有信心咁喎....{:6_223:}
如果無晒呢 D 功能, 仲有幾多人會選佢呢?

小瑟 發表於 2013-3-29 13:28

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查看完整版本: OPPO BDP-103/BDP-105 Blu-ray Disc Player Firmware Update (dsd SUPPORTED)

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