Why not raspberry pi + xbmc?
Raspberry Pi + SD card + adaptor HKD$500樓下安XBMC 用IPAD/IPHONE/ANDROID做REMOTE, support airplay HDMI/USB out
有冇ching玩過? Why not beagle?
Due to cost cutting, raspberry pi uses an older ARM CPU.
That's why Ubuntu will not support it in the future.
However, because Beagle and Pandaboard use newer version of ARM.
Ubuntu will continue supporting them.
Also, if you use ARM based CAS, you are very likely to rely on USB as an interface.
Lastly, are you sure there are drivers supporting the device you are going to use? 都係$作怪,所以無睇Tl或XLX MCP board。ching的提議真係幾好,要比個like{:1_351:} imsp 發表於 2013-3-27 00:10 static/image/common/back.gif
都係$作怪,所以無睇Tl或XLX MCP board。ching的提議真係幾好,要比個like
If you really want to use ARM based linux system,
a cheaper alternative is here:
BTW, I have not used it so I don't know whether it fits you bill or not~ johnme 發表於 2013-3-27 09:12 static/image/common/back.gif
If you really want to use ARM based linux system,
a cheaper alternative is here:
Thanks! It's very nice. 本帖最後由 kenneth_obee 於 2013-3-27 09:22 編輯
師兄可以玩 pogoplug, 如果要平, $100. 但無HDMI/VGA, 只可以玩CAS.