開BOX有益 - <冠絕之選>Sam Hui Albums Collection 36 CDs Boxset
本帖最後由 35ti 於 2013-5-26 12:56 編輯開BOX有益
<冠絕之選> 許冠傑 Sam Hui Albums Collection 36 CDs Boxset
C hing how much and where did u buy it? Thks {:1_338:} Thanks for sharing {:6_193:} 當年推出的日本版黑膠,難得一見.
今天CD化後再重現睇到,正! Hi, ching, how much is it? 佢無話送喎~?可能要加錢換? Rumble 發表於 2013-3-23 19:33 static/image/common/back.gif
C hing how much and where did u buy it? Thks
19條魚.....from 13/F.... percyyip 發表於 2013-3-23 23:19 static/image/common/back.gif
寫住"非賣品".....但可能要再買野才送....... 本帖最後由 Soundboy 於 2013-3-23 09:38 編輯
I am hoping to get my box set soon.
1987 and 1990 concert CDs didn't get a 復黑 version before.Looks like on this version of 新的開始, the cover can be folded out (it looks thick in the first photo), correct? Soundboy 發表於 2013-3-24 01:35 static/image/common/back.gif
I am hoping to get my box set soon.
1987 and 1990 concert CDs didn't get a 復黑 version before.Lo ...
Yes....新的開始 paper sleeve can be folded out!