發表於 2013-4-26 10:52
XHT 發表於 2013-4-25 21:28 static/image/common/back.gif
唔明點解要等装修? {:1_245:} 睇嚟你都未算真發燒...
音響櫃太大咪換件細d, 開放式Lor, 要睇電視? 係睡房床尾裝多部42" 掛牆, 你要聽嘢就叫老婆入房睇... 唔聽嘢齊齊睇電視都得格, 咪係左邊喇叭旁邊装部掛牆, 再換過套曲尺型梳化Lor. 要玩埋AV, 就在喇叭後面門頂裝下降式拉幕, 玩投射啦...窗旁那應是通往露台的吧? 兩只喇叭中間就正好俾老婆出露台曬衫。
咁都諗唔掂?香港地玩HiFi就係要地盡其用, 係咁慘架喇...
祝早日可修成正果! {:1_264:}
發表於 2013-4-26 14:05
呢位師兄移左對2.4 埋中間尺零!開心到飛起!給您參考一下!
So, long story short, I am relatively new in my pursuit of higher quality audio playback. My first purchase was a set of thiel cs2.4s. Thanks to audiogon, I then acquired Ayre 5 series preamplifier and amp. My room is not a good room, but it's all I've got. Now that I've been listening for a couple years, I sense my ears are really opening up. I am able to discern details and appreciate subtleties that were previously imperceptible to me. Yet I have found myself trolling for something that is missing. Playback lacked a bit of low end authority and I felt an overall lack of soul when listening. Sorry for the long wind up, two days ago, I moved my speakers closer together, from 7.5 feet apart to 6 feet apart. They are about 3 feet from the back wall. And I sit about 8.5 feet from the speakers Ever since, something wonderful has happened to my system. The low end balances the high end, imaging is more precise and stable, the soundstage is taller than it has ever been, and I feel like a child on Christmas morning. My wife, like my cats, yawn and say "that's nice honey" but I feel like I've discovered something amazing. Now this is closer together than Thiel recommends, but I am sticking with it for now.