s92204 發表於 2013-3-21 23:48

Cambridge audio Azur 551R都有preamp

corolladv 發表於 2013-3-21 23:59

LX55 & 56 都有 per-out , 價 OK

9spl 發表於 2013-3-22 00:25


kennethtcp 發表於 2013-3-22 10:23

thanks all ching!!

tlee1 發表於 2013-3-30 21:52

I'm using Yamaha 767 preout to Onix RA120.DSP effect of Yamaha is good, it is obvious better than my previous AV amp Marantz SR5400 (the grade should be a little bit lower than Y767).But they both have their own draw back.
For Marantz, it is musical but not strong, if you preout to Int amp, you will find that front channels always sound louder than the others even you set the lowest db to the front channels and the highest to the others.I don't know whether a higher level of Marantz av amp will still have this problem.
For Yamaha, the one I'm using now.There are a little "de de" sound in the front channels, I've tried every method to solve it.Finally I using a kind of filter in the RCA between the AV amp and int amp, it reduce the "de de" sound a lot, but sometimes it still have and I need to move the filter or cables than it become silent.I think it may be caused by the bad grounding of the Yamaha AV amp.
Any Ching have similar problems and can share the experience.

kungfutown5 發表於 2013-3-31 01:38

由x09開始ONKYO吾同哂聲,建議你去試吓再決定 x2 {:6_177:}
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