Digital Room Correction Software: Audiolense
本帖最後由 kckwong723 於 2017-9-28 10:21 編輯I just like to report that I have successfully used Audiolense, a digital room correction (DRC) software, merged with JRiver to solve the “over bass” problem of my Harbeth M40 at home and eventually get a flat and very neutral sound from the speakers. No digital artifact or “digital sound” was noted as mentioned in cases when using hardwares with DRC functions like Lyngdorf amps. The sound is very transparent. Bass is well-defined and images are crystally clear.
Moreover, with its true time domain function, the sound comes out from tweeters and drivers will arrive at the listening area at the same time so to as create an accurate and stable sound field.
To be honest, the improvement of sound after using Audiolense is out of my expectation. The sound of M40 now becomes highly addictive because playing every record like as if I am listening at scene or in a studio. {:6_208:}
Below is a blog written by a former music producer who had worked in studios costing millions of dollars. He also used Audiolense to improve the sound of his system at home and he commented the sound of his system became very close to the sound he heard in studio. If you have time, read and enjoy.
Blog of Mitchco
Audiolense Website 本帖最後由 sealteam4 於 2013-3-15 13:57 編輯
至於有無其他缺點例如原曲高低頻段受壓縮聽少左野等就等師兄run一排進一步報告啦 師兄想請問這軟件檢測了房間問題後,如何/用甚麼設備 將輸出的聲音修改? 或者是否要與某些播放軟件配合? sealteam4 發表於 2013-3-15 12:33 static/image/common/back.gif
至於有無其他缺點例如原 ...
其實唔冷門,TACT AUDIO RCS 賣左十幾年,只不過 Audiolense 係完全 SOFTWARE BASE 靠哂用家部電腦。
如果係完全 TIME DOMAIN CORRECTION 係冇可能出現壓縮,唔同 EQ 靠調頻率電平去郁條 FEQUENCY CURVE,TIME DOMAIN CORRECTION 唔係調頻率電平,係調速度,電平/訊息係唔會少左。
其實就算 PASSIVE 果 d 吸音板、擴散板、直實工作原理都係同 TIME DOMAIN 有關,唔好以為係「減」左 d 野去。 nicknick 發表於 2013-3-15 23:35 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄想請問這軟件檢測了房間問題後,如何/用甚麼設備 將輸出的聲音修改? 或者是否要與某些播放軟件配合? ...
very easy!once you make a measurement of your system, the frequency responses of your speaker and system is recorded.then design the target curve you like.I just copy the target curve shared by mitchco (the studio producer) on the Audiolense discussion forum.then Audiolense will create filter files.when I play music files by JRiver, I simply choose the path saved with the target files in DSP column, the sound is automatically filtered and processed.
once you reach the balance point of your system, you can't turn back anymore.I have spent $7k to set up my CAS, $3k for professional measurement Mic, and. around $3.5k for Audiolense.the outcome is much better spending similar amount of money in can see many users of Audiolense are actually studio engineers and music producers.this well demonstrate the performance of Audiolense.the other famous DRC software is Acourate, it is also very good but Audiolense is more user friendly and most parameters are set semi-automatically. moreover, you can adjust the sound character of your system simply by creating different target curves and hence create your own sound signatures of your system.cables are no longer issue in my system.I think this may be the reason why this kind of product is not popular or accepted in the market.I am sure that you can still improve your system by upgrading your core components like speakers, DAC, amp, etc but definitely not the cables. 本帖最後由 kckwong723 於 2017-9-28 10:22 編輯
unfortunately, Audiolense is only for Win-based CAS.
for users of Win-based CAS and especially like listening classic records, i strongly recommend trying this kind of digital DRC.
because it can enable you to get the accurate timbre of instruments of your classic records.
The Importance of Timbre in Sound Reproduction Systems Audiolense 5.0 was released. {:6_142:}