chanwt 發表於 2013-3-11 07:38






edison133 發表於 2013-3-11 09:01

正相及反相聲牆差别很大, 見議ching 買隻王帝位CD試真下全 system 的相位一置性!

xianglan 發表於 2013-3-11 11:30

what's the different effects between 'same direct' and 'different direct'??can ching give any samples??thx

edison133 發表於 2013-3-11 12:08

xianglan 發表於 2013-3-11 11:30 static/image/common/back.gif
what's the different effects between 'same direct' and 'different direct'??can ching give any sample ...

買隻王帝位CD試下! 試過你先會明.

zoneaudio 發表於 2013-3-11 12:52


edison133 發表於 2013-3-11 13:59

大C, 真大方!! {:8_388:}

xianglan 發表於 2013-3-11 14:27

edison133 發表於 2013-3-11 13:59 static/image/common/back.gif
大C, 真大方!!

thank you !{:6_184:}

billymud 發表於 2013-3-11 16:57

xianglan 發表於 2013-3-11 11:30 static/image/common/back.gif
what's the different effects between 'same direct' and 'different direct'??can ching give any sample ...

師兄,咩係 same direct, 咩係 different direct ? 請教。{:6_195:}

chanwt 發表於 2013-3-11 19:02

Speaker membrane will moves either forward or backward depends on the polarity of the applied voltage.
as simple terms, if there is nothing wrong with your amplifier. If you plays a mono source signal to your both speakers, the speakers should move forward and backward together. then they are in-phase. in other words, if one of them move forward and one of them move backward, then they are "out of phase"! this is how I understand.

Of course, you would not be able to "see" the speakers moving forward or backward because they are moving too quick for you, i.e. if you are playing a 50Hz sound signal, your speakers are moving 50 cycles every sec. there is no way you can "see" it. Listening the "King Seat" CD is one of the method, but still not easy to note.

When I made a speaker set myself earlier, the way to check and confirm the speaker polarity is to to 1/ identify the + and - tap of your speaker, then connect a 9V battery to it, say, + to + - to - , since it isa DC voltage, your speaker will move forward or backward. it doesn't matter which way is it, note it down and do the same to the other, if the speaker is moving the same way (as it should be) then your speakers are in phase. or some connection inside the speaker enclosure is not correct or the speaker winding are in different direction..--- BUT THERE IS ONE LIMITATION to this method.

I don't know if it will work with speaker units with internal frequency divider (內置分音电路) probably it won't work or it may even damage your speakers or circuit. so DO IT ON YOUR OWN RISK!!!

I could not responsible with any damage caused to your device.

And edison133 兄, I do have the 王帝位CD but that was not my question! thx anyway!

zoneaudio 發表於 2013-3-11 20:18

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