Philips A9 wifi speaker 小小開箱分享
小弟初到貴境, 唔似各位師兄有禁多勁玩具, 只小玩具想同大家分享一吓~{:6_122:} WIFI 耳機就玩得多, 喇叭真係未試過, 難得NEL哥都會出開箱, 即時目及下先~~{:6_134:} AH NEL 兄, 你的相影得像廣告照一樣{:6_193:}, Philips 要俾番錢你喎. {:6_190:} 真係影得好有品味! {:6_193:} 小瑟 發表於 2013-3-6 16:22 static/image/common/back.gif
WIFI 耳機就玩得多, 喇叭真係未試過, 難得NEL哥都會出開箱, 即時目及下先~~ ...
依家市面場都出Wi-fi subwoofer 師兄好有品味, A9好像好正, 但同KEF X300A有冇得比呢? 這對咩價位? kenneth_obee 發表於 2013-3-6 16:36 static/image/common/back.gif
AH NEL 兄, 你的相影得像廣告照一樣, Philips 要俾番錢你喎.
Kenneth兄真過獎, 我都想Philips請我幫佢影product, 最好係代言人胡琳加埋Philips product就fit哂~{:6_127:} 佢一定要透過router去接駁.......
if my home without internet (only the internet by moble phone), can I still connect this speakers? dickchan 發表於 2013-3-6 17:07 static/image/common/back.gif
師兄好有品味, A9好像好正, 但同KEF X300A有冇得比呢? 這對咩價位?
X300A我冇試過, 不過兩者價位差唔多, 都係六千開外~
相信KEF都唔會差, 不過我都有部份原因係買A9個樣~{:6_122:} HOHOHO 發表於 2013-3-6 19:14 static/image/common/back.gif
if my home without internet (only the internet by moble phone), can...
我試過係唔可以直接手機連speaker, 哩個正正就係缺點之一~{:6_124:}