corolladv 發表於 2013-3-3 19:29

師兄,真系幾難選,budget 內兩樣都相差不遠。{:8_365:}

HOHOHO 發表於 2013-3-3 21:04

bennykhb 發表於 2013-3-3 17:43 static/image/common/back.gif
但就如同朋友的討論,難道這個價位的DAC(如TEAC UD-H01)會好得過馬 ...

I'm using 6004, very good for listening CD
Also have USB input to read wav files.........

If using this price to buy DAC, impossible can buy a good DAC because 6004 already at very low price........HK$3xxx

j914 發表於 2013-3-6 12:40


just try to answer your question:

By using your assumption, most likely DAC is a bit better than CDP.

Its bcoz the whole budget is put into the decoder chips and circuit design for only DAC device, but CDP which has to be shared the budget into housing, transport, circuit board, power supply, clocking control and decoder chips etc... Designer can't source the best "parts" for the budgeted CDP.

However the best CDP can also has the excellent audio player effect, let say over 15K USD players.
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