AC628 發表於 2013-5-8 10:13


jj1668 發表於 2013-5-11 17:16

AC628 發表於 2013-5-8 10:13 static/image/common/back.gif


jj1668 發表於 2013-5-11 17:31

williechu 發表於 2013-5-7 23:43 static/image/common/back.gif
請問搽上亞麻子油是為了防止線材氧化嗎? 那如沒有亞麻子油, 用別的油代替, 如葡萄子油, 葵花子油.... 等行 ...別的油代替 應該可以但效果有不D不同、我都係跟杜蘭旗艦線
純棉通深水涉有得五十元一磅 同某人買線芯會送純棉通

eddychung 發表於 2013-5-15 00:08

I also want to know where to buy~~~

williechu 發表於 2013-5-15 12:26

jj1668 發表於 2013-5-11 17:31 static/image/common/back.gif
別的油代替 應該可以但效果有不D不同、我都係跟杜蘭旗艦線
注意如果用其它油、效果唔好、抹走D油都有排、 ...

我已走過深水埗鴨記永X等問過, 沒有純棉通賣.
亞麻子油嘛, 百街找不到有純亞麻子油, 參雜了其他油的亞麻子油就有.



jj1668 發表於 2013-5-16 21:36

williechu 發表於 2013-5-15 12:26 static/image/common/back.gif
我已走過深水埗鴨記永X等問過, 沒有純棉通賣.


jj1668 發表於 2013-5-16 21:37

eddychung 發表於 2013-5-15 00:08 static/image/common/back.gif
I also want to know where to buy~~~


jj1668 發表於 2013-6-29 15:31

本帖最後由 jj1668 於 2013-6-29 15:50 編輯


简单講, 空气感,声場比我用過超过萬八蚊嘅台湾大厂纯銀線还要好. 分析力極细緻,量感与密度,微动態極優越,中频人声带少许味精,与日本三萬元级數的只欠缺了丁点的完滑修飾!

超班超值! 只是在下木耳,亦会借给另一位友好,當然耳力在我之上,希望他亦能给了许意見!

報告(2)昨晚個網友打電話俾我,話有條好正既合金線晌星期六借左來玩,重話超正、一定要試! 有好野當然話好,不過我心想, 個個都話好架,再問牌子,原來係條DIY。




As recommended by the c-hing, he told me that he uses the HQII Reference Sampler for audition purpose. Honestly, I don’t know the price of the cable, after listening to the whole CDs, my initial impression is that it is a very good cable, very impressive performance, well balance, presenting a very good image with expanded sound stage without loss of denisty (as in some power cable, there is a trade off of spreading out too much with a loss of the density especially in the mid-range). Treble is also smooth and well rolled off. Agreeing that it is very good in reproducing the cymbals of metallic instruments.

Going further, I test it using the Eagles Hotel California. I can hear the difference that there is a slight lack of brightness and not as rounded in terms of the treble and a tint less bass. With clapping hands, you can hear details, good separation, but not the type of meaty palm that you can hear from my 10x time more expensive cable.

I would say, given the price, this is an amazingly good cable, rivaling a lot really expensive branded cable which can cost 6-8 times of its value. In fact, it won’t be shy comparing to those well claimed cable. However, when it is used to compare my beloved Kondo LPz, it is still fall short in terms of the microdynamis, the silky rounded treble, the nice immersing bass and the addicted beautiful mid-range.

After all, it is a real steal and if it is a branded cable, it will be a mid 5-digits cost rather than the humble price!

I forgot to mention that this is a pair of 1.5m XLR analogue cable

kc2wong 發表於 2013-6-30 01:04

本帖最後由 kc2wong 於 2013-6-30 01:17 編輯

jj1668 發表於 2013-3-2 12:23 static/image/common/back.gif

唔知呢條線1M有幾重呢? 喺金銀貿易場4N銀磚每kg要$4700,分分鐘發咗達都唔知喎

hon328 發表於 2013-7-2 17:14

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查看完整版本: 試做合金線RCA

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